Chapter Four

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"Phoenix are you ready?" Penelope yelled from the bathroom as she rushed to curl her hair.

They were running late, very late.

They were meant to have left for the party an hour ago but the two got...caught up.

"I've been ready, baby." He chuckled as he walked into the bathroom. His muscles bulged through the black shirt he wore, black ink accented by the silver jewellery that adorned his neck, fingers and wrist.

"I know" She whined, and haphazardly threw the curling wand into the sink as she rushed to spray perfume and apply lipgloss.

She flurried past him to throw things into her purse but was grabbed by her hips, stopping her from getting to  her destination.

"Phoenix, no, we can't." Penelope protested through a moan as his lips attached to her neck, seemingly to create yet another mark she had to cover up.

He had been all over her, all day. Touching her and fucking her, it was clear he was marking his territory before they left the comfort and safety of his home.

His possessiveness was why they were so late, and the girl wasn't going to let him have his way with her again.

With as much strength as she could muster, she pushed at his chest, and when he finally stepped back, she turned to face him with a glare she hoped was intimidating.

"No, Phoenix. We're late."

Phoenix watched her, seemingly unfazed by her attempts to be assertive. In fact, he almost appeared amused.

In one swift motion he had her pinned against the wall, her back against his chest and wrists above her head in his grasp.

Penelope held her breath, her pulse racing and lower parts throbbing as his nose skimmed along her neck, tracing the line of poorly covered love marks he had left on her skin.

The ticklish sensation had her shivering, his touch feeling like a hot chill that shot like a rocket all the way down her spine.

"Fine. We'll leave now. Just remember who you're talking to."  He muttered in her ear.

Shakily, she nodded, but licked her lips before responding in a way she knew would rile him up. It was a game she couldn't help but play, even while she was fighting against it moments ago.

"Y-Yes sir."

It was silent for a moment until Penelope gasped, feeling Phoenix press his hard-on against her ass, a hum vibrating against his throat as he seemed to be holding himself back from pulling up her dress and slipping his cock between the apex of her thighs.

"Hurry up and finish getting ready. When we get back tonight I want you on the bed, naked. Face down and ass up. Do you understand?"

The girl's breath hitched, her legs shaky at his instructions, but still she nodded and gave verbal confirmation.

"Yes," She swallowed, her breath escaping in short pants, "I understand."

Phoenix held her there for a moment longer, pressing a soft kiss against her throat.

"Mhm" He grunted, giving her ass a light slap before releasing her.

As soon as he stepped back, Penelope stumbled away, her skin hot and eyes lowered all the while Phoenix watched her move skittishly across the room as she tried to collect herself as quickly as possible.

"I-I'm ready." She announced, still flustered from their earlier interaction.

Phoenix walked towards her, her body becoming smaller with each step he took, until he was stood right in front of her, her head at his collarbone and only because her platformed shoes gave her a few more inches.

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