Chapter Five

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A wave of humidity hit the teenagers as they crammed their way into the overflowing frat house.

The muddy base shook the floors, the vibrations travelling from the creaky floors and climbing all the way up the limbs of students to reverberate within the confines of their chests.

"Axel, head's up!" A voice yelled above the music.

The brunette flashed his head to the right, his reflexes quick as he caught a can of beer that had been thrown in his direction.

After giving a nod to one of the guys donning a varsity jacket he cracked the can open and chugged it all in one go.

A group of guys whooped and cheered at him, before another can flew in their direction, but this time it was Penelope who fumbled the catch.

"You want one?" A girl outstretched her hand towards Phoenix, her eyes peering from under her lashes as she tried her best to appear timid and flirtatious.

"Thanks." He murmured, proceeding to open the beer and take a sip before his eyes caught familiar greens that were narrowed slightly in his direction.

"Are you gonna drink that tiny, or are you just gonna glare holes into that poor girl."

Penelope jumped as Nicholas seemed to appear out of nowhere, his words a whisper but loud in her ear as he bent down to her level.

She blinked, mildly embarrassed that she had been caught leering at her boyfriend and the petite blonde that was slowly edging closer to him with each giggle that left her lips. While it was evident that the conversation was one sided, it still irked her, watching another girl fawn over him and act dumb with want.

"I'm not glaring." She lied , all the while her eyes remained fixated on the oblivious target.

"Come on, Penelope." Nicholas laughed, not believing her for a second. "I'm assuming that's your boyfriend? What's his name again?"

Penelope took a sip of beer as she watched the pretty girl rest her hand on her boyfriend's bicep,  before she reluctantly tore her eyes from the scene.


Nicholas hummed before grabbing Penelope's drink from her hands and taking a swing from it.

"Hey!" The girl yelled in protest.

"Well tell Phoenix that he should keep a better eye on his girl because one of the guys around here might just snatch her up."

Penelope drew her brows together, her arm raising to snatch the beer back into her possession.

"Like who? You?" She laughed as his hazel eyes narrowed at her jest.

"And why not me?" He straightened his spine and puffed his chest in a display of confidence but it only made her laugh more at how ridiculous he looked.

"Yeah, sure. You're definitely my type." Penelope smiled in a teasing manner, sarcasm lacing each syllable.

"Whatever, you're nothing special either darling."

Taking her drink once again, he winked at her, his tight curls bouncing against his forehead as he turned to dap up a guy to his right before getting lost in the crowd.

"Another friend of yours?" A deep accented voice found her ear as she watched Nicholas get welcomed by the upper years. They were hooting and slapping his shoulder, and he seemed to be feeding off their energy. She had never met such an extroverted person that got along with literally everyone.

Penelope's eyes dropped to the beer he was offering her and upon recognition of where it came from, her lashes flitted upwards to catch his darkened gaze.

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