Chapter Eight

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"How the fuck are you so good at this game?"

Phoenix smirked as he saw another one of his victories displayed across the screen, but shrugged as he leaned back into the couch.

"I think you're just shit."

Hunter threw his empty chip bag at Phoenix's head, causing some of the crumbs to fall in his hair.

"Fuck off" He swore as he ran his hand through his strands to rid them of the Cheeto dust.

"You're lucky I didn't throw the remote."

"Really? Do it and see what happens—"

The banter was interrupted by a knock on the door and Phoenix looked at Hunter with a raised brow.

"Give me a second." He groaned as he got up to address the interruption.

Although he didn't go for the door right away; instead, he headed for his room and walked out with a small black bag in hand.

"Hey." He greeted as he finally answered the knocking.

Phoenix noted that the exchange was quick as the bag was passed off to somebody and a wad of cash was slipped into Hunter's hand soon after.

Once the door was shut again, the Norwegian couldn't help himself as he asked his friend about what just happened.

"So, you're dealing now?" He questioned half-jokingly, as he rested his arm across the back of the couch.

"You're nosey as fuck." Hunter chuckled as he walked over to join Phoenix once again who was still leering in his direction. "But I wouldn't call it dealing. It's just..." he trailed off, looking for the right word as he lowered himself onto the cushioned seat, " know, giving away some weed here and there. I've needed the extra cash lately; my landlord is being a dick."

The Norwegian gave him a look but ignored the euphemism. He was more interested in getting more information.

"Who's supplying you?"

"Why, you want some?"

The question was asked with a mischievous half smile and Phoenix looked at him for a second before flipping the middle finger.

"Only to smoke."

"Of course, of course." Hunter teased, as he leaned forward to grab a tray lined with a grinder, paper and a bong that was kept under the glass coffee table in front of them.

He passed the tools over to his friend, who proceeded to pack and roll, his movements effortless and done without thought as if it was second nature.

"It's a new guy, moved in from New York city." Hunter shared after hitting the freshly rolled blunt. "Apparently, he's top shit there and after he showed up, he put the other guys out of business. He's basically the only supplier here now."

Phoenix hummed, then exhaled, the drug allowing his muscles to relax and his mind to wander to places where it shouldn't.

"So, how'd you connect with this guy then?"

Hunter rose a brow at his friend's interest but didn't comment.

"I know a guy." He replied ominously. His eyes lazily analyzed his friend who appeared lost in thought, and eventually he couldn't hold his tongue. "You sure you're not interested? You seem very curious."

Phoenix immediately shook his head, exhaling as he tried to imagine what Penelope's reaction would be if he fell back into old habits.

"No, definitely not. Never again."

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