Christmas Special

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A.N. (Authors Note) :  This Christmas special is a time skip to when Birch is in a relationship with Silas and the boys, and knows about and joins the polyamory relationship.

Also he already knows he's a little and calls Silas daddy as well as Xavier and Hades.

You will see his story evolve in normal time in the next chapter but I thought this would be nice for you to see him more comfortable in his surroundings rather than terrified and sad.

Anyways, I hope you like it!

Much love,

Sunny ☀️

Birch's POV

We've been back home at the institute for a few weeks and things have been going great!

But I'm super excited because today is Christmas! Throughout the month the boys have been teaching me how to use the tv and we've been watching all the Christmas movies!

My favorite is definitely the Grinch but I really liked Elf too! Buddy was so funny and when Roman tried the Buddy spaghetti and spat it all out all over the dining room table, we all broke out in laughter.


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Mr. Silas said that he told him so, Roman just scowled and said, "I have always wanted to try it! But never again! That was nasty! Even worse than when Paris tries to cook!" Paris just hit him upside the head and told him he had no idea what fabulous cuisine really was.

But anyways, back to this morning! Currently Roman, Jewel, Malakai and I are creeping around upstairs to try and wake up everyone else.

Malakai brought the paint, Jewel brought the hair dye to stash in their shampoo, and Roman brought his phone and connected it to the speakers that were in all the bedrooms. He calls this speaker Alexa, but I had no idea why it had to have a name but

And apparently I'm here because I'm the smallest and the quietest, so they think I can sneak into Hades and then Xavier's bedrooms.

Roman is doing Basil, Myka and Mr. Silas, he said that it should be pretty quick and easy to wake them up after Jewel put the hair dye in the bottles.

Malakai is waking up Paisley and Arundelle, while Jewel is waking up Paris and putting in the hair dye in the shampoo bottles.

We all had our paint and paint brushes and we all decided to paint Christmas designs on the boys.

I went to Xavier's room first, he was sleeping like the dead. I decided to paint a red ornament on his chest, with Elmer's glue and red glitter. I then wrote the lyrics, baby it's cold outside, listen to the fireplace roar, your eyes are like starlight now, I wish I knew how... and then I drew little kissy lips at the bottom.

I giggled to myself as I quietly snuck out the door and into Hades room. The boys warned me that he's a super light sleeper and will most likely wake-up but they think I'll do well!

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