Dead & Gone

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Birch's POV

I lay in my bed staring at the wall with uncaring, almost dead eyes. If this is what the mystery man wanted, to break me, then he got it. He won

I could feel people moving me, I could hear them talking, but it was like I was under water. All I wanted to do was sleep, but stupid Mr. Silas kept making me wake up, then he kept trying to make me eat.

After the tenth failed attempt to make me eat, I'd had enough. I wasn't just sad, but angry; I was so angry at everyone treating me like I was made of glass. Fragile and easily breakable.

I threw the plate of food across the room and heard it shatter into pieces, I couldn't eat, I wasn't worthy of food. Never have been, never will be.

"Stop it! C-can't e-e-eat! No-not worthy..." I huffed out. Mr. Silas at first look at me with shocked yet angry eyes, I could practically feel the disappointment in them. Well, guess what? My life has been a revolving door of disappointment, nothing new here.

"Birch! If you don't eat soon we'll have no choice but to have a feeding tube inserted in and then you'd get no choice in eating or not. You'll get fed by the bag, and let me tell you it's not a fun time. You have to work with us here, love."

He crossed his big arms across his chest and I could practically feel his disappointment and frustration.

I could see Paisleys and Hades eye's looking at me, expecting me to just relent and give in to them, to just eat the food and do as I was told.

I almost whined as I nodded and let Mr. Silas feed me my soup, I hated having to eat but I was too scared and stubborn to let them tube me.

I ate about half the bowl til I felt like I was bursting, Paisley held me as he praised how good I was, I even got good boy pats on my head! I love those, but I was still feeling sad.

"Birch, do you know what made you have your meltdown? It's okay to be overwhelmed at times, and we can help you work through those challenges but I would like to know what it was that triggered you to help you in the future..." Mr. Silas asked me, he was sitting on my bed with me and Paisley.

He looked understanding, but I just don't know what it was that happened. Maybe me thinking I was back at fathers house? Maybe the kidnapping triggered something in me that I kept buried? I didn't have many answers for him, and that made me even more frustrated.

I shrugged my shoulders then said, "Father never really allowed me much food, makes me feel icky. Then everyone kept crowding around me and botherin' me when I felt all tired and grumpy. Want nap now, please."

He gave me a smile and laid down on the bed and I cuddled into his big chest with Paisley cuddling my back like a Birch sandwich!

I smiled as Mr. Silas and Paisley cuddled me, Paisley gave me a forehead kiss and said, "It's okay, baby. Go to sleep we'll talk more when you wake up."

"Don't worry, baby boy. We'll teach you how to be loved. We all love you so much, we couldn't live without you in our lives." Silas said as he brushed my curls in the most perfect way that made me even more sleepy.

I smiled my first ever real smile, I didn't feel like it was fake or forced or what was expected of me. I truly felt happy here, it felt like I finally had a home.

I thought I was broken, but now I know I was found, by 11 beautiful soulmates who taught me what it truly means to be loved and to love in return.

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