Christmas Special #2

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Paris' POV

We're all very excited, today we're all going to a cabin in Sweden that Silas' family owns. His family is very connected all over Europe, hence him having more money and influence than God himself.

Note the sarcasm.

I love going there and snowboarding in the mountains, it's so exciting and makes me feel alive!

The first proverbial mountain we need to climb is getting Birch on a plane.

Now it's not an issue of a passport or anything like that, Silas has already figured out all of the logistics. It's more of an issue of Birch being uncomfortable to even ride in a car, so we do worry that him going on a plane could trigger a panic attack.

We do have a bag of fidget toys for him to play with his iPad and noise canceling headphones, which should help with the noise problem. We have found that our little Birch has issues with loud noises, Malakai had the same problem when he first started here, but he's a lot better now.

"C'mon, baby boy. Let's go on the plane, can you tell me what sound a plane makes?" Paisley asked Birch as he picked him up and his activity bag and bounced him in his arms with a fond smile.

"P-plane make choo-choo!" Birch said with a big smile, he was very into his headspace today, Silas aged him at 2 today and we couldn't be happier to see him this relaxed and happy.

Although he keeps mixing up his sounds, yesterday he thought a bird made a barking noise, it was hilarious!

"Close enough," Hades muttered as he carried the rest of the bags into one of the cars we're taking to the airport.

Birch did give his daddy hell for daring to put him in a pull-up, how atrocious for Silas to not want to clean wet pants! Again.

We soon set off for the private airport that one of Silas' friends own, and soon we were off to Sweden!

❄️❄️❄️ Time skip until they pull up to the Lodge
cause I'm lazy and need my Christmas nap ❄️❄️❄️

Birch's POV

I'm so excited! I've been on my first ever plane which was loud and made me scared but Daddy put on my pretty pink headphones then I was okay!

I may of taken a nap for most of the flight then I got to eat my snack and then we were off to what papa called a Lodge, not sure what that is but if everyone's excited about it then so am I!

Soon daddy pulled up to a really cozy house that made me really want to play in the snow!

Roman, Jewel, Malakai and I ran out of the cars and jumped into huge snow pile, I emerged giggling and was determined to make the best ever snowman!

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Roman, Jewel, Malakai and I ran out of the cars and jumped into huge snow pile, I emerged giggling and was determined to make the best ever snowman!

We played in the snow for hours until Daddy made us come in and warm up by the fire. Roman and I were pouting, we wanted to play more!

Apparently Paris was just getting in from what he called the slopes, no idea what they are but they sound fun.

"I wanna go slopin'!" I whined to daddy, maybe if I use my super cute puppy eyes, he'd let me go!

Daddy chuckles at me and said, "Those puppy eyes don't work on me, baby boy. You can't go on the snowboarding and skiing slopes that Paris and the others use. They're a little too dangerous for you, but I tell you what, you can go with me and papa on the smaller ones, how about that?"

I nodded excitedly and daddy picked me up and helped me with my bath.

After that I got into my Harry Potter pajamas and we binged most of the films, I only closed my eyes at a few of the scary parts, seeing as I'm a big boy now!

We ended the night by the Christmas tree and opened our presents, I got so many cute things and a really cool lava lamp for my room back home!

We ended the night by the Christmas tree and opened our presents, I got so many cute things and a really cool lava lamp for my room back home!

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Paris even made me a watercolor picture of a baby puppy next to a big black wolfie, I loved it! It reminded me of me and daddy.

I got a bunch of candy in my stocking, so did everyone else! But apparently I can only eat a few each day, how horrible of a rule!

We ended the night with more Harry Potter and Hades making everyone hot cocoa with whipped cream in top!

Papa read to us T'was The Night Before Christmas, as we were all cuddled in together on blankets and cushions on the floor, I loved it! We need one of these at home!

My last thought before I went to sleep was if Santa would wanna be my friend, we both love cookies and chocolate so it has to be true!

I loved spending Christmas in Sweden, it was so nice but very cold, but being with my soulmates made it so much better!

Maybe next year we'll go to the North Pole!

*Insert adorable Birch puppy dog eyes here*

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