1 | Do I know you?

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      It had been about ten months since the accident. Jungwon was in a coma and recovering though. It took a toll on everyone- but mostly to Jay.

Heeseung took over the Student Council President roll since he was the VP. It was difficult for him to get used to it due to how much Jungwon always put on his plate.

Jay stayed by Jungwon's side all the time, sometimes skipping his classes just to visit him and stay by his side. He sometimes stayed overnight. The others visited too, but not all the time like Jay. Of course, Heeseung would visit, that was his brother, but Jay always seemed a step ahead of him.

      Heeseung told the group about a few days after Jungwon was admitted into the hospital, Jungwon had to get surgery. He didn't say why since it was a "family matter." Heeseung wasn't really in the mood to tell them since their parents- who they hadn't seen in a few years, showed up with flowers.

      "They basically said, "He's our son, we should be able to see him in this state" but they hadn't been in our lives for the past, what? Four to five years? They didn't even call or message us during that time! What kind of parents just show up to watch their youngest son on his deathbed?!"

      In conclusion, the group decided to never get on Heeseung's bad side.

      Today, the group decided to all visit together. They chatted quietly, also eyeing Jungwon in his deep sleep. Sunoo finally brought up the subject everyone had been trying to avoid for the past hour after finishing a small cup of mint chocolate chip ice cream, "Do you think Jungwon will wake up soon..? It's weird without him."

      "I mean, don't get me wrong, Heeseung-hyung starting each student council meeting isn't bad.. But it isn't that good as Jungwon's.. No offense hyung." Sunoo said, as an annoyed Heeseung glared at him. However, Sunoo was right. When would Jungwon wake up? It had been ten months, plus he had surgery. But, some had been in comas for longer, what if it was the same for Jungwon.

      Suddenly, Jay shushed the group, watching the younger next to him. Jungwon stirred awake, as if he was awoken by Sunoo's mention at his name. "Someone get the doctor." Heeseung rushed, setting himself next to his brother as Niki and Jake ran out of the room to alert the nearest doctor.


      "HOLY SHIT!-" "Sunoo, quiet down." Heeseung said, gesturing for Sunoo too stop. Sunoo put a hand to his mouth, and Jungwon chuckled, exhausted despite being in a deep sleep for over ten months.

      Heeseung put a hand to Jungwon's forehead, checking his temperature. "You feeling alright? You remember anything?" Jungwon nodded in response, taking his older brothers hand from his forehead, eyeing the room as doctors entered the room.

      Jungwon and Jay finally made eye contact. "Hey, glad you're awake." Jay smiled, holding back tears. Jungwon tilted his head like a lost cat, "I'm sorry.."

      "Do I know you?"

      The group froze. Heeseung just stared at Jay. The doctors escorted the boys out to figure out what happened and do a check up. They stood outside in the hallway, as Sunghoon patted Jay on the back as he stared at the floor.

      "How come Jungwon remembers us, but not Jay?" Jake asked, with both of his hands on his neck. "I know why." Heeseung replied, glaring dagger sat Jay.

      "Well? Spill!" Sunoo intervened.

      "Jungwon had the hanahaki disease. That's why he had to get surgery. Sunflowers were blocking his airways." The rest of the group froze in horror. They all knew the hanahaki disease too well. Some people from the college contracted the disease and almost died. "How.. How long did he have it for?" Sunghoon asked.

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