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      Jungwon woke up and groggily sat up, trying his best to focus his vision in the dark room. He didn't bother to look at the time, for he was too tired and too lazy to at that moment.

      The crimson haired boy patted the spot next to him, expecting to feel something there, but only felt the soft bed sheet. Almost immediately, he looked at the empty spot in the bed. He continued to look around the room, confused.

His expression fell. Was it a dream..? Jungwon thought. Ever since his recovery, he always had the same dream, every night. Much to his dismay, he'd never know if he was waking up in a dream- or in reality.

Knock. Knock.

Jungwon looked up and saw Jay, who was smiling at the younger while leaning on the door frame. He was wearing a plain gray T-shirt and black sweats. Jay watched as Jungwon's face went from tired-confusion, to tired-relief.

"Morning, Won." Jay greets, making his way to the younger. "Good morning, Jay-hyung." Jungwon responded, relieved. Jay parted Jungwon's messy hair way from his face and lightly kissing him on the forehead.

It had been 2 years since he recovered fully, and everything went back to normal..

Jungwon became Student Council President again- much to Heeseung's relief. Heeseung and Jay's friendship mended itself, Sunoo and Niki were closer than ever, and Jungwon and Jay were happy together- so were Jake and Sunghoon, finally (that's for another another time).

Jay and Jungwon came to an agreement shortly after he was discharged that he would spend some nights over at Jay's house and some at his with Heeseung- but it was mostly Heeseung's idea.

"I hope you didn't think everything was a dream again." Jay says, fixing Jungwon's hoodie (which was actually Jay's hoodie that he stole). Jungwon sighed, "You know me too well.."

Jay shook his head and kissed the younger's cheek, "How many times do I have to remind you? It will never, ever be a dream." Jungwon hummed and rubbed his eyes.

The older smiled and pecked the latter on the lips. Jungwon wrapped his arms around Jay's neck and pulled him into a deeper kiss. Jay's hands found itself on Jungwon's waist, pulling him closer.

Once they broke apart to breathe, Jay moved down to Jungwon's neck and started kissing it. Jungwon hummed, "Jay, please... Not now.. We literally have classes today, and I have a student council meeting later.."

Jay sighed in defeat, "Fine.. Later?" He made eye contact with the younger, who nodded, "Later."

"Fine." Jay admitted defeat, but before Jungwon could pull away, he pushed his hoodie to the side and lightly bit down on his collar bone area to make a mark. Jungwon sucked in a breath as Jay sucked on his skin to make it a purple color.

When he was finished, he pulled away to look at his work. "There, done. That's all."

Jungwon groaned, "Fine, at least I can hide this." Jay chuckled. "Alright, let's get ready."


"You both are late!" Sunoo yelled at Jungwon and Jay as they entered the campus courtyard. "By five minutes." Jungwon noted. "Still! We said to meet at a specific time, but you two love birds are late-"

"Okay, sunshine, as much as I love to hear your voice, it is literally 8:35 in the morning.. Maybe lower your voice a little." Niki whispered in Sunoo's ear, groggily back hugging his boyfriend.

Sunoo blushed, "Fine.."

Jungwon rolled his eyes, watching as his brother made his way over, "Two hours.. I could've gotten two extra hours of sleep today if you didn't call us here, Sunoo. What is it? It better be important." Heeseung yawned.

"We're still missing two people.." Sunoo examined the group. "Jay, was Jake at your guys house? Or did he go sleepover at Sunghoon's?" Niki asked. Jay shrugged, "Pretty sure he's at Sunghoon's."

      "Ughh, now they're going to take forever!!" Sunoo exclaimed, receiving a little poke in the cheek by Niki, indicating to quiet down a little more before retreating back to hide in the nape of Sunoo's neck.

"What is it that you even want to talk about that includes everyone?" Jungwon asked.

"Well, we're all going to graduate soon. So, I was thinking that we go to Jeju to celebrate!" Sunoo says.

They all stared at Sunoo, while Niki just sighed, "You made us wake up.. To suggest to go to Jeju to celebrate our graduation.. That's in two months?!" Heeseung yelled.

Sunoo nodded, happily. Jungwon and Jay just laughed, and so did Niki. Heeseung and Sunoo got into an argument about how it could've waited shortly after.

"What the hell is happening?" Sunghoon asked, carrying a tired Jake on his back as they arrived.

"We'll tell you later once this dies down."



Jungwon hummed, turning his head to look at Jay, who came up behind him and locked him into a hug. He was leaning on the kitchen island and was looking over some last minute documents for the student council. "You promised something earlier.." Jay mumbled, placing soft kissed on the younger's neck, making him shutter.

"I know, I know. Just let me finish this real quick." Jungwon says, trying not to get distracted. Jay groaned, "Alright, fine.. But can we stay like this?" Jungwon hummed, "Sure, I don't mind."

The duo stayed silent for a while until Jag brought something up, "I can't believe three years ago you almost died because of me.."

Jungwon laughed, "Oh please, that was the car that almost killed me. And I already told you, you don't need to worry about it anymore.. I'm here still, and that's what you should be focusing on."

Jay hummed and placed a soft kiss on the back of the latter's neck. Jungwon clicked at his keyboard for a few seconds before shutting it, "Alright, I'm finished-" Before he could even finish his sentence, Jay smashed his lips onto his. Although surprised, Jungwon kissed back.

After a minute, they parted to catch their breath, and Jay moved onto his neck, making marks. "S-seriously? I-in the kitchen?" Jungwon asked, trying his best not too make too much noise, despite the fact that Jake was at Sunghoon's apartment.

"Mhm.. Or do you want to move to the bedroom?" Jay whispered in his ear. Jungwon thought about it, "W-whichever.."

"Hmm.. Let's just go to the bedroom for now." Jay said, hoisting Jungwon up. The younger wrapped his legs around Jay and hid his face in the nape of his neck.

When they reached the bedroom, Jay threw Jungwon onto the bed and crawled on top of him before continuing their make out session. Jungwon wrapped his arms around Jay's neck, deepening the kiss. Jay started to move and place kisses on the younger's neck, earning whimpers from Jungwon.

Jay looked up at Jungwon, making eye contact, "I love you, hyung.." Jay smiled, pecking him on the lips, "I love you too, Won."



Did I cut it off before the spicy bit?: Yes

Will I probably do a separate chapter for the spicy bit if y'all ask for it?: Yes

Anyways, that was "The Price I Must Pay!" :D

I really hope you guys enjoyed!

This epilogue might be all over the place, but I seriously wasn't sure how to end it.. But hopefully it makes sense!

I will be starting the sequel book for Jakehoon soon.. I just need a minute to gather all the angst I can ;)

I hope to see you guys next book ;)


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