5 | What even is he to you?

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Jake watched Sunghoon from across the courtyard. The ice prince had received another confession letter from a girl and decided to meet her. She was pretty- but that was an understatement. She was beautiful. One of the most beautiful girls at the school.

The Aussie couldn't tell what he was saying to her, but it hurt him. After about five minutes, Jake got up from his seat and walked back inside the school.

He didn't want to repeat the same thing that happened in the friend group. Jungwon had gotten hanahaki disease, and he didn't want the others to worry even more if he got it too.

Who am I kidding? The Park Sunghoon wouldn't like a guy like me. He deserves a girl as beautiful as him. I'll just accept it at this point. I'll get over him.. Right..?

Jake quickly walked the halls, not sure where he was going. It wasn't until someone crashed into him, landing them both on the floor.

      "Shit, sorry I should've watched where I was going-" Jake apologized before looking at the person that they crashed into.

      "Heh, don't worry about it. It was my fault anyways." He was a cute guy. Not too muscular, not too skinny. His hair was dark blue and he had dark brown eyes.

      Jake blushed. Damn, not even five minutes and I've already found a cute guy- Great, you sound like a hoe, Jake.

      "I'm Choi Minsu. And, you are?" Minsu got up from the floor and extended a hand to Jake to take. He gladly accepted it, "Sim Jake."

      When Jake got up, he lost his balance a bit and ended up landing on Minsu's chest. He quickly got off and took a step back, trying his best to hide his red cheeks.

      Minsu chuckled, "It's nice to meet you- aren't you close to the Prez and VP?" Jake nodded, "Jungwon and Heeseung? Oh yeah."

      "Oh wait! I remember you now! You're the guy that throws the best underclassmen parties!"

      It was well known that Jake was the best person for throwing parties- besides Jackson Wang, but he graduated a long time before he came to campus and there had never been another person since.

      "Heh, yeah." Was all Jake could say.

      Stupid, quit embarrassing yourself in front of a cute guy!

      "I gotta say, you're really good at it- y'know, throwing parties." Minsu complimented, making Jake's cheeks grow redder, "Thanks, I really appreciate it."

      Minsu smiled at him. It wasn't until then did Jake notice Minsu wearing gloves- rugby gloves, to be exact.

      "You play rugby?" Jake asked, staring at the designs on the glove. It looked like the designs were doodled on.

      "Oh yeah, I was about to play at the back of campus with some of my friends. Do you play?"

      "With my friends sometimes.. We've all been busy with our own stuff, so haven't played in a while."

      Minsu nodded. After Jungwon got into that accident, word spread like wild fire on campus. Jungwon was the face of the school with his soft features, smart brain, and wit. He was also really careful with everything he does. It was a surprise to everyone.

      Soon there group was in the spotlight. Everyone left them alone because Heeseung would've said something if someone were to try and speculate.

      "You should come play- if you want, of course." Minsh smiled.

      Before Jake could answer, Sunghoon came running down the hallway, "Jake! There you are. I swear, you were sitting on a bench in the courtyard just a minute ago-" Sunghoon noticed Minsu's presence and frowned, grabbing Jake's arm and pulling him towards him. "Sorry, am I interrupting something?"

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