3 | Bonding Moment

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Jungwon sat in his hospital bed, deep in thought. Who is Park Jongseong really? Jake says that we used to be best friends? How come I don't remember him?

Jungwon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the hospital room door side open. There he was, Park- or Jay, as he calls himself. "Sorry, hope you weren't waiting too long." Jungwon huffed, crossing his arms and turning to the hospital window, "I swear it was Sunghoon-hyung's turn."

Jay was used to this. It was about three weeks into Jungwon's recovery. He was still getting used to Jay. The older would come in around three to four times a week, making sure to avoid Heeseung in the process. Sometimes, he would just skip school and help Jungwon out instead- much to Heeseung's suspicion.

Every time Jay walked through the door, Jungwon would huff, and complain about how he thought it would be one of the others turn. It was entertaining for Jay to see this side of Jungwon again. He was like an angry cat.

      "Yup, sorry. He had to bail last minute. Something about Gaeul.. Or was it figure skating practice..?" Jay made up on the spot. Jungwon rolled his eyes, but sympathized. He liked Gaeul- Sunghoon's dog.

      Jay put his stuff down and unlocked his phone, "I took a picture of your schedule for today. Looks like you got physical therapy... now." Jungwon immediately looked up at the latter.

      The one thing he hated was his physical therapy sessions.

      In the accident, Jungwon received fatal wounds to his legs. It also didn't help that he was in a coma for ten months. He had expressed his discomfort multiple times to Sunoo and Jake, who was usually there for his physical therapies. Jay had never been able to attend one of his sessions.

      Jay noticed Jungwon's discomfort as the younger looked at his feet. "I'll be there with you, don't worry." Jungwon looked up, and nodded.

Jay helped Jungwon into his wheel chair and took him to the physical therapy center. It wasn't all that busy, despite it being 12 PM. Jungwon's physical therapist noticed Jungwon and gave him a smile as they walked over, "Are you ready for your session, Jungwon-ssi?"

Jungwon hesitated before he nodded.

Jay watched from a far as Jungwon went through his physical therapy. He noticed the discomfort and struggle. Jay couldn't speak for Jungwon, but he could tell that physical therapy was not his thing.

The hour long session went by in a flash to Jay, but it felt like three for Jungwon. By the end, he was sweating, and close to tears from the pain. Jay pitied him.

"I hate it.." Jungwon mumbled under his breath as Jay took him outside for some fresh air. "What's that?" Jay asked, continuing their way around the courtyard. "I hate physical therapy. It's too difficult."

"You want to walk again, don't you?" Jay inquired, watching as the younger thought about it. "I do. But.. It's too painful- Y'know what. I'll stop. I probably sound like a child-"

Jungwon felt Jay stop and walk to the side of him. Jay leans down to make eye contact with the younger, "Yang Jungwon, you do not sound like a child. Either way, you are still technically a child. You have the right to sound like a child."

      Jungwon furrowed his eyebrows at him, "I'm 19. I don't think I'm a child anymore-"

      "You know what I mean." Jungwon thought about it.

      "Listen, Jungwon. You may not know it, but I care for you- a lot. Before you lost your memory of me, we were close. During your coma, I stayed by your side. You fought well, and I know you can do it. Just trust me, alright?"

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