6 | Break-Date

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Everything had been going downhill ever since Jungwon woke up- although it wasn't his fault, everything was just awkward. Heeseung and Jay barely talk anymore, Jungwon was an amnesiac, and Sunghoon and Jake were having "relationship problems" as Jay called it. Sunoo and Niki weren't all that effect- well they kinda were but chose to ignore it.

Niki wasn't that involved in the student council, but Sunoo was. Sometimes, he'd see Sunoo running from one place to another with documents. He hadn't had much of a break. So, he decided to treat him.

"A date?" Sunoo asked, staring at the younger, clearly confused. "Not a date, but just.. y'know.. a day for just you and me to hang out. We can go to the new café that just opened up across the way from that one park, then maybe we can sit and talk at a bench after-" Sunoo giggled, "So, a date?"

Sunoo and Niki both likes one another, but never expressed it. Neither of them had been brave enough to confess, let alone ask one another out; so it was definitely a big step for their relationship.

Niki blushed, "Yeah.."

Sunoo gave him a warm smile, "Okay, pick me up at 3:30 today with flowers!" He started skipping away with documents. "Sunoo, we live with each other!" Niki called out. "Too bad! I want the full experience since you asked me out!" Sunoo exclaimed back. Niki sighed, and smiled.

"Niki asked you out?" Heeseung asked, gratefully taking the documents from beaming Sunoo, who simply nodded at him. "The Riki Nishimura?" Sunoo nodded again, still beaming with excitement. Heeseung wasn't fully convinced, "You sure?" Sunoo nodded, once more.

Heeseung gave Sunoo a be-fucking-for-real look. "It's true hyung!!" Sunoo yelled at the older, puffing up his cheeks and crossing his arms, pretending to be mad. "Jungwon would believe me!" Heeseung shook his head and smiled, "I'm sure he would.."

"Welp, I'm going back to my apartment to get ready! He's picking me up at 3:30!" Sunoo exclaims, turning to skip to the door. "You guys live together..?" Heeseung asked confused.

"I told him to get me flowers!" Sunoo says, exiting the room and giving Heeseung a bright smile before leaving. Heeseung rolled his eyes and took out his phone to message Jungwon.

You owe me $5

No your lying 😦

Also it's you're*

Whatever 🙄


When Sunoo got to his and Niki's shared apartment, the younger was no where to be seen. He didn't think much of it and went to change out of his uniform. Sunoo wore a simple light blue sweater with white ripped-skinny jeans, and white air-forces. As he fixed his light pink hair, someone knocked on the front door.

"Coming!" Sunoo yelled, putting his phone and wallet in his pockets before rushing to the front door to open it. Once he opened the door, he was greeted by Niki, in a casual all black outfit, holding out a small bouquet of white roses. Sunoo was surprised. He didn't expect the younger to actually go out of his way to get roses for him.

Sunoo smiled, and gladly took the roses, "Thank you!" Niki just smiled at the older as he quickly ran to the kitchen to find a vase to put the roses for the meantime. Niki followed, watching he Sunoo placed each rose into the vase, one at a time.

"Ready?" Niki asked after Sunoo finished putting the roses in the vase. The older nodded and ran to the younger, clinging onto his arm as they walked out of the apartment.

The walk to the cafe wasn't all that long, but a few minutes from their apartment. The inside of the cafe had a nice, dark and light academia feel to it. It felt like something you'd see in a book. It was a perfect balance between the duo's aesthetics.

      Sunoo ordered a strawberry shortcake while Niki on the other hand just ordered an iced-coffee-tea. "You can have some of my shortcake if you want!" Sunoo offered, which made Niki smile.

      Sunoo-hyung, you are making me fall for you even harder than I should.. Niki thought to himself. They sat in the cafe, talking and eating for a good while.

      After a bit, they finished their drinks and shortcake headed over to the park. Sunoo continued to cling onto Niki's arm as they walked. Somehow, they both didn't notice the red hue in either of their cheeks the entire time.

They found a nice shaded bench under a tree and sat down. "Are you having fun?" Niki asks, watching as Sunoo responded with a smile and a nod.

"I really appreciate you for taking me out today. It's really taking my mind off of everything thats been happening." Sunoo beamed. The older placed his head on the younger's shoulder, resting it there. Niki placed to hand on Sunoo's head, massaging his light pink hair.

Should I..? Fuck it. Niki thought

"Hyung, can I tell you something?" Niki asked. Sunoo hummed in response, giving the younger his full attention.

"I really.. Really like you- No.. let me rephrase that. I love you, hyung. I've loved you since forever.. But, I don't know how you feel about me-" Niki was interrupted with soft lips in his. His eyes widened as Sunoo pulled away from the kiss.

"Niki, I wouldn't accept a date from just anyone. And, if that kiss doesn't explain my love for you, then I don't know what can." Sunoo gave Niki another warm smile. He watched as his smile took an effect on the younger. Niki tried to hide his deep red colored cheeks.

Sunoo giggled, and started kissing Niki's cheek, making the younger blush even harder. When Niki finally looked at Sunoo again, the older took his chance and started kissing him again.

      Their kiss last about a minute before they parted, smiling at one another. "Sunoo, will you be my boyfriend?"

      Sunoo jokingly hit Niki's chest, "Did those kisses not mean anything?" Niki chuckled, "Okay, okay. You're all mine now.. What did I do to deserve you?"



      "YOU TWO ARE DATING NOW?!" Jungwon yelled, Sunoo checking to see if he can still hear. "Mhm, since yesterday! He took me out on a cafe date- Romantic right? Then we went to the park that was close by and we kissed!"

      Jungwon's mouth hung open in shock, "You and the Riki Nishimura?" Sunoo squinted his eyes at Jungwon, "What is up with you and your brother? You both said the same thing! Is it that hard to believe?!"

      "A little." Sunoo huffed, crossing his arms. "At least be happy for me! Wait til you find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with!"

      Not even a second later, Jay came in through the hospital door, "Sorry Jungwon, traffic was a bi- Oh, hey Sunoo. Sorry, was it your turn today?"

      Jungwon pretended to act mad at Jay, which made Sunoo smile. "Nah, I just wanted to visit. I'll be on my way! Have fun you two!"

      Jay had one and a half months left before his deadline. Sunoo didn't want to take this away from him. Jay's happiness depended on it.



Y'all deserve the Sunki fluff after the other damn chapters..

At least we got one happy couple right now-

Only two more to go, right?-

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter because I am terrible at fluff lmao

See you next chapter.. Back to angst ;)

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