'Entirely for nothing'

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A/N: let's pretend Jenna and Y/N are at least 23 in this one.

Y/N was sitting on the couch in her apartment, waiting for Jenna to arrive home. Her favorite poetry book was in her hands. She loved reading it. Somehow, she always found comfort in poetry. She could relate to the poems maybe a little too much but she didn't care. She felt like every word she had read burned into her skin, mind, heart and soul.

But there was this one poem, her favorite one. 'Entirely for Nothing'. Y/N has read it to Jenna a million times before. It reminded her a lot of the actress and their relationship.

'It's terrible, I do believe, but it's so. If you love, your life should be a suicide, almost. I couldn't care less what modern people or the law may demand from me, those servants outside are all their masters inside, and only according to laws of my own can I have joy and delight.'

Y/N always had different thoughts about relationships than her friends or people she knew. She thought it's a one-handle basket. So heavy that only two people can carry it, but it only has one handle so it must be carried by taking turns. She never had a relationship where she has gotten the same effort back. Not until she met Jenna. The girl has turned her world upside down.

'You aren't mine if you're still yours: you don't yet love me. As long as in return you want me to be yours, a burden you might as well be. A bargain, even if sacred, is a bargain: I do need something different now: Entirely and for Nothing! Everything else is but a war of two selfish egos fought secretly, I'm asking for more: be part of my fate indelibly.'

Jenna had a strong personality, she was different from other girls. She was confident and she knew exactly what she wanted. What she wanted was Y/N. The younger girl hesitated a lot when the actress asked her out for the first time. She felt like she wasn't ready for such a serious commitment, a relationship. Her previous ones didn't turn out the way she wanted them to, so she was scared. She hated the fact that there were girls in her life that made her believe that love is just a fool's game, it doesn't worth anything, it's meaningless. Sometimes, it's a luxury for some but not for her.

A 'maybe' wasn't enough for the Jenna. It's either a yes or a no. She didn't want to sacrifice everything for an unsure relationship.

'Because as long as you want a single moment alone and just for yourself, as long as you dare to think of your own self, as long as you want your life to be spared, as long as you aren't like an object lacking driving force, lifeless: you aren't any better or more than all the others, a stranger you might be called, we'll never be lovers.'

The last thing Y/N wanted was to be strangers with Jenna again. It took her so long to break her walls down and open up to the brunette but Jenna never once rushed her. She was patient. She knew it takes a lot of time and love  to be with someone with trust issues but she had all the time in the world to make Y/N feel special, loved and comfortable around her.

Y/N for the first time in her life felt like she can fully trust someone. She genuinely wanted their relationship to work. If it meant to sacrifice everything, she was ready to do it. She was ready to be the one for Jenna. The different one.

'Someone protected by law may though pass for a friend, be like an animal, beyond law, be like it, and I'll love you then. Like a lamp suddenly turned off, don't live when it's what I want, don't talk, don't cry, don't realize this solid prison, and within myself I'll get it right that you can forgive: I'm a tyrant.'

The actress was selfish but she knew exactly (so did Y/N) that she's the only right one for her lover. It was true, Jenna was THE one. It took some time for both of them to let this information sink in.

Y/N gave her all to her girlfriend and finally, after all the horrible relationships she had in the past, she got the same effort back. That's the only way a relationships can work. You both have to take that one-handle basket at the same time so you can carry it with ease along the way.

'Here she is, my beautiful fiancé, reading the poem she knows inside out, word by word' Jenna smiled softly at you, gently touching your shoulder as she sat down next to you on the couch. 

You had no idea when she got home, you were so lost in your own thoughts. You completely lost track of time. You smiled back at her with pure love in your eyes.

'I just think it's a beautiful poem, that's it' you shrugged and sighed softly when she hinted a few kisses on your neck.

'And it reminds you of us, I know. I just don't understand why. I've never asked you to sacrifice everything for me.'

'You never had to, it was evident. I truly believe you have to sacrifice a part of you, if not all of you to be able to love someone the right way. Someone you have serious plans with. And that's what this poem is about.'

'So, you have serious plans with me?' she chuckled and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

'I said yes to your marriage proposal, didn't I, Ortega?'

She couldn't control herself anymore. She wanted to touch you, wanted to feel your lips on hers. She felt extremely lucky that you ended up with her, that she was your one and only, that she was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.

'I hope you like the way Ortega sounds. You better get used to it pretty girl, because soon, you're gonna have the same last name' she whispered.

Her voice was deep and raspy. You loved this side of her. Her dominant side, driven by her raw emotions and feelings.

'I find it slightly amusing that after 5 years of being together I am still able to make you blush. Looks like it's not that bad to be a go-getter after all. As it seems to me, it wasn't entirely for nothing' she added with a childish smile on her face.

'I have to admit, the fact that you're a go-getter was one of the biggest reasons I agreed to date you. It started to get annoying that you just didn't let me live my life without you being in it' you laughed and kissed her nose. She just rolled her eyes at you playfully. 

Deep down she knew it was true. Maybe she was a little bit annoying, she asked you out three times before you finally said yes. Fourth time is the charm, they say. 

'But it was worth it and it was definitely not entirely for nothing' you added.

'More like entirely for everything' she leaned closer to you and whispered it in your ear. 'And I wouldn't have it any other way. At the end of the day, I got the girl and that's all that matters' she kissed your cheek lovingly.

You didn't say anything, you just smiled at her. There were no words to describe how deeply in love you were with Jenna. After all, you're exes were right. Love is a luxury for some. And you were proud to be one of those people.

A/N: i'm taking requests, Loves, so feel free to leave a comment here or message me.

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