Celia St. James is an arrogant bitch (I.)

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(PLEASE read the A/N at the end as well!!)

I love Jenna to death but I would hate her in the 'The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo movie adaptation (for obvious reasons) but I needed it for this part, bare with me haha.

Everyone is aged up (Jenna is in her late 20s)

When I agreed to take this part, I knew it's going to come with a lot of work. A shitload of work to be exact. Playing a blonde, Latina bombshell from the 1950s is extremely hard and time consuming. It takes everything in you to be able to fully connect with your character and it also comes with a lot of sacrifices.

I thought learning how to play on a cello for Wednesday was the maximum I would do for a role. It never actually crossed my mind, not even in my wildest dreams, that I would give up on my whole persona to turn into an arrogant, cold-hearted, calculative narcissist.

Yet here I am. And truth to be told, the more I learn about her, the deeper I fall in love with this woman.

What makes it more interesting is that Evelyn Hugo and I have absolutely nothing in common. She is a highly complex woman, very sharp, sexual, clever, manipulative, determined, intimidating, confident and one of the most powerful actresses of her generation. I guess you can never be prepared enough for a role like that.

It's our last week of shooting and as much as I hated it at first, I have to admit, I'm gonna miss being Evelyn. You could say we grew to love each other over the months.

'Alright, we have a few more scenes to do and we have a movie everyone!' Taylor clapped her hands and an excited smile grew on her face.

I loved that woman to the Moon and back. She is so passionate about this picture, of course she is, experiencing your book's adaptation must be a big deal.

'How are you and Y/N getting along? Please tell me you guys worked out your difficulties and are ready to shoot the intimate scenes' Taylor whispered, not trying to have everyone's attention on us in the room.

'I don't have any problems with her, she's just a stuck up, arrogant bitch who's not willing to sacrifice for the greatest role in her life ' I shrugged.

'I'm sensing a no' the older woman sighed. 'Look, we have to do those scenes this week, we have a due date, Jenna.'

'I know, I know. But I don't have to like her to shoot a few intimate moments with her. We can do it today, I'm ready, plus I'm a professional.'

'Well, it would've been better if you had real chemistry but I guess we have to go with that for now.'

'Have to go with what?' I heard a voice coming from behind me. Not just a voice, THE voice. The voice that gives me the ick on the daily. Y/N.

'We have to do your intimate scenes this following week. I don't care how you guys do it but make it believable.'

'Oh, Miss Ortega has a problem kissing a girl?' Y/N pouted.

'Not at all, sweetheart, I have a problem kissing you.'

'Don't worry, I will chew a whole pack of gum' she laughed sarcastically. I swear to God, this girl..

'I'm not talking about that' I sighed and rolled my eyes at her.

'I'm sorry but otherwise, it doesn't make sense to me.'

'I'm under absolutely no obligation to make sense to you' I crossed my arms.

'Very good, Jenna, already in character, I see' she laughed.

'Dear Lord, save me from what's coming' Taylor took a deep breath and left without another word.

'Listen to me, Y/L/N. She worked really hard on this movie so we're gonna do our best to make it look real. Quit your fucking attitude and act like an adult and a professional for once' I snapped.

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