'We should have one!' (II.) (requested)

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'Do you need anything? Ice cream, chocolate or pickle juice? I can go to Target and get a bunch of snacks, too if you want. Seriously, it's not a long drive, I'll be back in half an hour' your girlfriend looked at you with pure love in her eyes.

'Jenna, for the fifth time today, I'm fine' you giggled. 'But some Mac and Cheese  sounds really good right now. And maybe a vanilla shake from McDonald's.'

'Say less, I'm ordering them' she reached for her phone that was on the coffee table in front of you. 

It was a Saturday night, the two of you were just chilling at home, watching the most random comedy series you could've find on Netflix. Your head was resting on Jenna's shoulder while she drew small circles on your belly with her thumb. Here and there, she hinted a few kisses on your forehead. 

You got back your results from the clinic exactly 15 weeks ago. You were pregnant. You couldn't believe it at first, it just felt so surreal. You had been trying for a long time but it always ended the same way. The process was unsuccessful. 

It was hard for both of you. Especially when you got pregnant for the first time. You were beyond the Moon and told everyone about it. Your closest friends, your family only to have a miscarriage a few weeks after. It was the hardest thing you've ever experienced, the worst you had to go through. But you had Jenna by your side along the way. She was just as heartbroken as you were but she tried to be strong for you. 

You decided to try one last time. You were scared, so was she, but having a family together was all you've ever wanted, all you've ever dreamed of. 

So when they called you and told you the news, you didn't know how to feel. Of course you were happy and excited but on the other hand, you've been there before. You were scared that the same thing's gonna happen to you again. 

Jenna and you agreed to keep it in a secret this time. To wait a little longer before you share it with your loved ones. It wasn't easy. You wanted to shout it from the rooftop, you wanted to share your happiness with the whole world but you couldn't imagine going through a miscarriage again and listening to all the bullshit everyone has got to say. 

'I'm so sorry for your loss.'

'It's gonna get better with time.'

'Keep trying, you're gonna be an amazing mom one day when the time is right for you.'

You knew they just tried to cheer you up but they didn't know how you felt. They had no idea how miserable it was. They didn't know about all the sleepless nights, all the tears and blaming yourself, trying to figure out what you did to deserve this. 

But you were positive this time. You tried not to stress over the smallest things and just live your life as healthily as you could. 

'What are you thinking about?' Jenna asked and gently caressed your cheek. 

'You know exactly what I'm thinking about' you smiled a little. 

'It's not gonna happen again, I promise. We're gonna be parents, my love. She's gonna be our everything in 5 months. There's nothing to worry about. Everything's looking good, she's healthy, you're healthy.'

'She?' you raised your eyebrows at her. 


'Why do you think they're a she?' 

'I felt her kick my hand a few times. It's the same when you kick me while you're asleep. There's no way they're going to be a boy.'

'Interesting. I'm 100% sure they're a boy.'

'Oh yeah? You wanna bet?' she smirked. 

'Hell yeah. If it's a boy, you're gonna do all the cleaning, cooking and the other chores for a month, all alone. And you're gonna get up to soothe them back to sleep in the middle of the night for two months, so I could sleep in peace' you giggled. 

'Same goes for you if it's a girl.'

'Deal' you said and pressed a quick kiss on her lips. 

'We should tell people about the baby. I think they're starting to question your 'oh I just gained wight' lie' she laughed. 

'We should. And we have to start buying stuff for them.'

'And decorate their room' Jenna added smiling. 

'And find names.'

'There's a lot we have to do. I'm just so excited about this whole thing. I can't believe I'm gonna be a mom so soon. Do you think I'm gonna be a good one?' 

'Are you actually worried about that?' you smiled sweetly at her. 'You're going to be the most amazing mom on planet Earth, Jenna. I know you and I know your heart. You're going to spoil this little creature with everything, you're going to give them all your hours and they're going to love you more than anything in this world. I can guarantee you that.'

'I love you so, so much, Y/N and I'm so grateful for you. I couldn't even imagine having a family with somebody else.'

'I love you' you whispered back. 'Did you order my Mac and Cheese? We're hungry.' 

'I did' she giggled. 'It should be here in a few minutes. Can I interest you in pickles and peanut butter until it gets here?' 

'That sounds so amazing right now' you sighed. 

'You and your weird pregnancy cravings' Jenna rolled her eyes playfully and got up from the couch to get you some food from the kitchen. 

'I love you!' you laughed and switched the show to one of your favorite true crime documentaries. 

'I love you more.'

A/N: I'm taking requests, Loves, so feel free to leave a comment here or message me.

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