Celia St. James is an arrogant bitch (IV.)

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A/N: a minute late but I wanted to say thank you for 100.000+ reads on this book, you guys are amazing! It truly means a lot to me. 

It really wasn't easy but we got a few parts done that day. More than a few, actually. Taylor was hopeful that we can finish the movie on time, I was grateful that this experience is soon coming to an end. Everyone is happy, right?

Except Y/N.

She was acting strange throughout the whole day. I mean, she always acts strange, no question about that, but today was somehow different.

She was quiet, she looked a bit out of place, not a single sarcastic comment left her mouth. She didn't look at me, she didn't talk to me, she acted like I was invisible.

And I was upset. The audacity this girl has is mind-blowing to me. She first acts like a bitch, then seduces me and again, she acts like an even bigger bitch after. Women are complicated. No wonder why I've always dated guys before. They are easy as a piece of cake. They're boys, after all.

A knock on my trailer's door pulled me out of my thoughts. It was a few minutes after eight. I sighed. I had literally no motivation to get up and open it. or talk to the person, whoever that was on the other side. I just wanted to get some rest and dwell on my pathetic love life. Is it really too much to ask for?

After a loud, well needed groan, I walked to the door and opened it.

'You left your phone in my trailer' Y/N rolled her eyes and handed me my device.


Right when I was about to shut the door in her face and continue doing nothing, she stopped it with her left hand.

'You are a dick, Jenna.'

She caught me off guard. This sentence alone would've been enough to make me slap her in the face but I'm a better woman than that. So, I just smiled politely.

'It's funny to hear that coming from you.'

'You know what?! It's whatever, just forget about it' she scoffed. 'I can't believe that - even for a second - I thought you might be able to overcome our differences and actually consider dating me. You are nothing but a coward, an arrogant bitch, Jenna.'

'Consider dating you? You got to be kidding right now, Y/N' I laughed sarcastically. 'After everything you've done to me, you have the audacity to come here and talk shit about me is next level. Seriously, it amazes me. I just can't wait to be done with this movie, so I never have to see your face, ever again.'

She was shocked and hurt, I could easily tell by the look on her face but if she thinks she can talk to me like that and call me a dick, a bitch after everything, then she has some serious issues.

'Two more days, try to survive. Have a good rest of your night' she turned around on her heels and left without saying anything else.

Good. I don't need toxic people in my life, she is nothing but a snake. A very charming and beautiful snake.

I hate her. Again.

Two more days to survive.

The rest of the evening was quite boring. I made myself a bowl of Quaker Oats and watched a dumb romcom. Nothing ever works out that easily in real life and I hate Netflix for making me think that it does.

'I wish I could act like I don't care about her anymore at all, that our fight didn't phase me but in reality, it hurts' I sighed, so did Emma on the other end of the phone.

She called me to make sure everything was okay. Everything was far from being okay.

'If I wanna be honest with you, I'm not surprised that you guys had sex. I just knew it from day one that eventually, it's going to happen.'

'Emma, I hated her from day one, what are you talking about?' and even though she couldn't see it, I rolled my eyes at her.

'The Nile is a river in Egypt.'

'Can you please stop using TikTok lines?' I giggled.

'No, seriously. You've had this weird attraction to her since you started working on this movie. I know you, you're my best friend. I know you don't care if someone hates on you, you just ignore them and move on. But you were extremely annoyed by her every single time and for some unknown reasons, you cared about her opinion. It was just a matter of time for you to realize that it's not because you hate her. And now, after a year, you finally did.'


'Keep saying that to yourself' she laughed.

'I don't care, we're done in two days and I keep thanking God that I don't have to deal with her anymore. Never again. '


'Hm?' I raised my eyebrows. 'What does that mean?'

'Nothing, nothing. But we'll see. Never say never.'

And again, I rolled my eyes.

'Whatever. How are you?'

I was on the phone with Emma for another 25 minutes before she hung up on me. I would never admit it to her, but there was something in the things she'd said about Y/N.

When I was about to lock my phone and finally get some well deserved sleep, I saw a notification on my screen from this morning.

From Y/N.

"Good morning! Sorry I just left you in my bed like that, I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go for a walk and didn't have the heart to wake you, you had this cute, sphinx-like smile on your face ;) All jokes aside, I hope you did get some rest, we can have coffee together if you come to the main room❤️"

Well, shit.

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