Celia St. James is an arrogant bitch (V.)

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And so we were done with the movie. Was I happy about it? Yes. Very. Things stayed the same between me and Y/N. Somehow we managed to cover our scenes without any major problems or fails but that was it. She hasn't said one kind word to me since that night. To be fair, I don't blame her at all.

 I tried to apologize numerous times but she didn't care. Everything I said fell on deaf ears. Maybe it's for the best. Yes, it is for the best. I don't need a relationship, especially not with a woman. Not with a woman who is my coworker and love interest in my upcoming movie. Even tho, it would feed every single magazine and website around the globe for a good while. 

'Everything alright? You seem a little out of place today. I thought you'll be over the Moon that we wrapped and you don't have to be anywhere near Y/N anymore' Taylor laughed and sat down next to me in my trailer. 

'Yeah, that's great and trust me, I'm beyond happy' I faked a small smile and looked down at my suitcase that was right beside my bed. 

'You don't seem happy, definitely not beyond. What's up, Jenna?' 

'I'll miss this. I loved working on this movie, it really has been a dream come true.'

'Are you sure is that all?' she looked at me and in that moment, I just saw something in her eyes that made me sure that she knows everything.

'Should I try and lie into your face? I feel like you already know what is going on' I sighed. 

'I don't know the details but I have eyes. What happened between you two that night?' 

I summed it up for Taylor as fast as I could. I didn't leave out anything, I told her about the night I spent with Y/N, the following morning and of course the text. I just needed to hear a second opinion, I guess. And Taylor was perfect for that role. She knew me and Y/N, basically spent the past year with us, so she gotta know what I should do, right? 

'I mean, I get her. It must've been really heart wrenching the following day for her but you apologized. You explained the whole situation to her and she still hasn't forgiven you for a little misunderstanding. I assume she's just as scared as you are and she's choosing the easier way. She's self sabotaging herself, if you will. She realized she likes you and that might've been a lot to take for her after spending all those months hating you. Maybe she just wants those times back and that's why she's acting the way she is right now.'

'That's just great. Another emotionally unavailable asshole.'

'Give her time, Jenna. It's probably not easy on her either.'

'I would give her time but what we don't have at the moment is time. Look, I have my suitcase here, I'm going home in about 10 hours and she hasn't even looked at me in the past few day. It's not looking good for me.' 

'Are you sure you want this with her? Like, can you imagine yourself with her in a relationship? Coming out to the public and proudly show her off as your girlfriend?'

'I think so..I mean, I'm sure it's not going to be easy at first but I feel like she is worth it. And that sounds so stupid coming from my mouth, I literally hated her a few weeks ago.' 

'Funny how the tables can turn, huh?' Taylor joked and laughed a little under her breath. 'Stay here!'

'What? Why?' but she was already gone by the time I finished my sentence. 

Great. That's just great. I wasn't even done with my rant and she just left. I angrily tossed my stuffed bear into the suitcase and closed it. 

God, I hope whatever bullshit happens next in my life is at least funny and not even half as painful as this situation.

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