Chapter 1: Personal Effects

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Greg sits in the lobby waiting for the briefing room doors to open as Winnie's phone begins to ring at the front desk. "SRU?" she answers, and Greg looks towards her curiously.

"We're ready" Commander Holleran's voice says, causing Greg to look back towards both Holleran and Toth standing in the doorway.

"10-33 Where?" Winnie's voice questions as she continues to talk on the phone. Suddenly the alarm begins to go off and Greg stops walking towards the briefing room and looks back towards Winnie.

"Lakeshore and where?" she asks, confused.

"Winnie?" Greg questions as he begins to walk towards her desk.

" Fort York Boulevard" Winnie says, beginning to type onto the keyboard in front of her.

"What's going on?" Greg asks concerned as Donna walks up towards Winnie's desk as well.

"Officer down, multiple shots fired. He's SRU" Winnie answers as she looks up towards Greg.

"Your team accounted for?" Greg asks as he looks over to Donna.

"Yeah, boss" she answers, and Greg quickly realizes who it is.

"It's Ed," Greg breathes.

Donna looks towards him with concern in her eyes before slowly nodding her head. "I'm on it" she states. She then looks behind her and waves her hand, motioning for her team to follow.

"Team Three, gear up" she shouts, before running past the desk.

Greg sighs before slowly turning around and looking towards Commander Holleran and Dr. Toth. He then thinks for a few seconds before turning back towards Winnie. "Recall Team One" he demands, causing Dr. Toth to take a step towards him.

"Slow down a second" he quickly says, but Greg ignores him.

"Page 'em, 10-33, get 'em back to the station" Greg continues as Winnie looks towards Toth and then back towards Greg.

"Your team's not cleared for duty" Holleran advises as Greg begins to walk away from the desk.

"Then clear 'em for duty! I have a man down" Greg shouts, annoyed.

"Sergeant Parker" Holleran warns.

"Winnie!" Greg shouts quickly, ignoring him.

"Can you stay objective?" Toth then asks, and both Greg and Holleran look towards him.

"Are you saying his team is fit for duty?" Holleran questions, confused.

"I'm saying this team has a man down" Toth answers him, before turning to look back towards Greg.

"Can you stay objective?" he asks again.

"I know how to do my job" Greg answers bluntly, and Toth slowly nods him head as he turns to look towards Winnie at her desk.

"Winnie, recall Team One" Toth advises, and she quickly begins to type on her keyboard again.

"Thank you," Greg says quietly.

"Team Three will ride shotgun" Holleran quickly states.

"And I'll be watching. Parker, keep your comm channel open" Toth demands.

"Okay, Winnie, get him a headset" Greg says.

"Yes, sir" she answers.

"Page 'em. I want my people" Greg then says as she points towards her before walking away.

"I'm already on it" Winnie advises loudly.

"I thought you said you wanted to break up this team?" Holleran says quietly as he looks towards Toth.

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