Chapter 2: Good Cop

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"Gentlemen" Eddie smiles as he walks into the changeroom and spots Sam and Wordy gearing up.

"Look who drops in!" Sam laughs as he walks over and shakes Eddie's hand, followed by Wordy.

"How are ya?" Eddie snickers.

"Didn't bring Isabel?" Wordy questions.

"Nah, I left her at home. She gets too much attention. This is my entrance" Eddie jokes, causing Sam and Wordy to laugh.

"You get her in here soon or we're staging a raid" Spike smiles as he walks into the room.

"How are ya?" Eddie laughs as Spike leans in for a hug.

"Oh sorry, I don't wanna pop a stitch" Spike says, quickly taking a step back.

"It's good. All the stitches are gone. I'm good" Eddie advises.

"Ah, you're a sight for sore eyes," Greg says, walking up behind Eddie.

"Still in one piece without me?" Eddie questions shocked.

"We get by," Greg advises.

"So how's it feel being team leader, Sam?" Eddie asks curiously.

"Better watch out, it's growing on me" Sam jokes, causing everyone to chuckle.

"How's the arm?" Sam then asks.

"It's good, it's good. Full motion, full grip. Physios tell me I'm a... I'm a rockstar, so..." Eddie explains.

"Back on the dad squad -- projectiles of a different sort" Wordy laughs.

"Yeah. No, it's good. All good. You, uh, you got a minute?" Eddie questions, as he looks towards Greg, and he nods.

"Yeah" Greg says and they both begin to walk away from the group.

"Hey, boss" Jules's voice quickly shouts, causing them to stop walking and look back towards her.

"Court services just called, we gotta finish gearing up" she says, as she continues walking into the room and notices Ed.

"Hi!" She smiles, wrapping her arms around him and giving him a hug.

"How are ya?" Eddie smiles.

"Good. How're ya doing?" Jules questions curiously.

"Where's, uh, Sophie and Izzie?" Jules adds.

"Oh, they're at home. Everything's okay. What's going on with court services?" Eddie asks.

"Agh. They're announcing the verdict of the Buteau homicide today" Jules explains.

"I thought that verdict wasn't coming down till tomorrow" Eddie questions.

"It's a hot-button. Maybe the judge doesn't wanna give protesters time to organize, in case they're not happy with the decision" Spike informs.

"Can we talk later?" Greg asks, looking towards Eddie.

"Yeah" Eddie answers, before the team begins walking out of the room, and he follows behind them.

" why's this an SRU call?" Eddie asks curiously.

"If Greely goes down, we escort him to corrections; if he ends up walking, we gotta get him out of town" Wordy explains.

"So he's at risk?" Eddie questions as they all walk into the weapons room, and Sam stops and smiles.

"You wanna ride along?" he quickly asks Eddie, and he shakes his head.

"No, I can't. I mean, I gotta childproof the kitchen" Eddie jokes.

"Isn't she only like four months?" Jules asks.

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