chapter 6

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Today I got ready for my first day and Noah is waiting for me outside. He said that first, he will drop me at the university and then he would go straight to the airport. He is going back and I am going to miss him, he was a great help. He helped me decorate my room and even made bookshelves for me on the side wall.

Now my room looks somewhat comfy but not like the one back at home. I added a few colours to the room because the whole white theme was uncomfortable. Mary made breakfast for us, and after that, I said bye to her, and we headed to the university.

He wanted to take a cab but I wanted to walk so we went to the university on a walk and he wasn't happy with that.

"You know that you can't cross the road on your own so you better take a cab rather than go on a walk from now on," he told me sternly but I only nodded not at all listening to him. I like walking here. It gives a real feel of how I am away from home and on my own. I am in 'handsome's' city, breathing the same air as him. I smiled sheepishly, but when Noah eyed me, I straightened up. He let it go because I do that all the time.

"Okay, we are here," he sighed as we stopped in front of the university.

"You remember your way, right?" His face was etched with worry, so I smiled in reassurance and hugged him.

"Yes, and don't worry, I am not a kid, okay?" I said as I stepped away and then kissed his forehead.

"Okay then," he said as he looked away.

"Go straight to the apartment after your classes, no wandering around. And if you need anything, go with Mary. " he turned serious, and I nodded.

"Ughh, I know," I grumbled.

"Alara!" He scolded lightly.

"Okay, bye.."  I sighed and gave him one last hug before waving and running inside, I looked back to see him still standing there. I know he won't leave until I am inside, so I waved one last time with a big smile and then walked inside.

I walked to my first class, and I already had my schedule with me. The visit also helped me find the class easily. I take the seat in the front alone. There were few students in the class right now because I came 10 minutes before the class, so I sat and waited for the class to start.

After some time, a girl came and sat beside me, I gave her a small smile, but she didn't return it and looked ahead, completely ignoring me. I felt a little embarrassed and looked around to see if someone saw me, but to my utter relief, no one was paying attention but a boy who sat in the far corner. I blushed when I realized he saw what had happened.

He was also wearing glasses like me and was a lean guy, not that handsome but cute. He gave me a small smile and a wave, I relaxed and waved back. But then the teacher came so I looked ahead.

I had three classes today each of nearly two hours, and by the end, I was drained. I only had a sandwich for lunch, so I was hungry too. It was 4 p.m. when I was walking back to the apartment. Yes,' walking'!

It took me 10 minutes to reach the apartment. There is no point in taking a cab for this short distance. When I reached the lobby, someone was already in the lift, and it was about to close when I made a run for it.

"Wait for me," I yelled, but the person stayed in their place. Fortunately, I made it on time. After catching my breath, I looked up at the guy who didn't stop for me. And I was shocked to see the same guy who bumped into me the day I first came here. So he is rude all the time!

"Rude, concrete wall" I mumbled under my breath as I glared at him but he looked ahead ignoring my whole existence as if I am not even there. I scoffed and pressed the button on my floor. When I looked at the buttons the only other button pressed was to the penthouse so he lives in the penthouse. Is he the infamous Mr Langstone? But he doesn't seem like someone who is the owner of this huge building.

I looked at him through the mirror in front, he was in black denim, a white T-shirt and the same leather jacket he wore a few days ago and black commando shoes. I scoffed! No, he is not Mr Langstone, he must be their friend or some relative maybe.

As I was assessing him from top to bottom I didn't realize he was looking straight at me from the mirror. When my eyes met him I stilled. If looks could kill I would already be six feet deep. I don't know how long he is looking at me.

I cleared my throat and looked away from him unable to make eye contact with him but instantly I felt immense anger for this person. I don't think I ever dislike someone like I dislike this stranger.

"You are very rude, you know that right!" I said as I met his eyes once again through the mirror. He was still glaring at me, I felt intimidated but I kept my composure and met his gaze.

"I know" a deep voice resonated from beside me and for a moment I paused. His voice was full of arrogance as if he doesn't care what anyone thinks about him.

"So better stay away from me" he added and this time his face held so much anger that wasn't there before. I was taken aback, it's not like I am coming close to him. We only met twice and the meeting was not pleasant at all.

"What? But I..." I stopped when the lift door opened to my floor.

"Get out!" He said and I felt anger boil in me, how could he say that to me? I mean I know it's my floor and I am not planning to stay in the lift.

"Don't tell me what to do" I grumbled this time turning towards him as I glared at the side of his head. Then I huffed and stepped out of the lift and walked ahead but stopped when the door was about to close.

"I despise you and don't even want to see your face" I scoffed and stomped my foot on the ground then I walked ahead but his face held slight amusement at my reaction which pissed me off more. Is he making fun of me? I was thinking all of this when I reached my apartment but before I could ring the bell the door opened and Mary came into view.

"How was your first day?" She asked with a big smile but I sighed as I stepped in. She took my bag from my hand. I slumped down on the couch in the living room. She brought a glass of water for me.

"Don't even ask that, Mary! It was pathetic" I sighed as I closed my eyes. She sat with me and I put my head on her shoulder as she caresses my hair.

"Oh, my baby" she cooed as if I were a child and this made me smile.

"Guess what I made you your favourite food," she said and my smile widen as I sat straight and looked at her with excitement.

"Pasta?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yay," I jumped up about to run to the kitchen when she grabbed my arm.

"Go change your clothes first and wash your hands," she said and I groaned mumbling fine as I made my way to my room. I changed into light clothes and went out to eat.

Mary also hasn't eaten anything, she was waiting for me which was so sweet of her but I told her to eat if I am late. She is like a mother figure in our lives, especially mine. She has been there with me since I was a child when my parents died, my brothers never let anyone come near us but my uncle was quite insistent on mary so in the end they obliged but they were wary of her at first and with time they accepted Mary too.

I then told her about everything that happened the whole day and about that rude guy and how I hate him!

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