chapter 46

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Noah was kept under observation for few days in the hospital so I and Caleb stayed in the apartment which my brothers have given me. When I saw the apartment for the first time I was in awe, it was few blocks away from my University. I sent Hailey to get my things from Hunter's place.

I haven't seen Hunter for a week now, I think it's over between us.

"Thank God I am leaving this place!" Noah said as he came out of the bathroom after changing his clothes. He still has bandages covering his wound but he wasn't happy here and it took a lot of convincing for the Doctors to let him go.

I silently placed his things in the small bag as I waited for Caleb to come, he has gone to clear the bills.

"Al?" He called me.

"Yeah!" I said still not meeting his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I looked up at him. This is the one question that I have been asked again and again and I still don't know the answer to it, so I stayed quite. He came towards me and embraced me, I tried hard not to tear up. Both of them haven't asked me to why I left Hunter but they know that something is wrong.

Caleb tried to ask me many time but I pleaded him to not ask me because I can't tell them. I thought they would be happy with me leaving Hunter, at first Noah was happy but now he too realized that my heart will always belong to him wherever I go.

"What did he do? Did he hurt you? I will break his bones" he gritted, he thinks that he was the one who hurt me.

"No Noah, I broke up with him. It wasn't hsi fault" I sighed as I zipped the bag. Just then Caleb came in the room.

"It's done, Let's go!" He said and picked up the bag. We three walked out but I saw my brothers exchanging few looks.

"Uhmm" Caleb cleared his throat as we neared the exit. I looked up at him

"We are leaving tomorrow back home.... and uh... are you..." He stopped.

"I am leaving with you!" I told him and both of them looked at me.

"You studies? You already haven't gone to University for a week, we don't want you to lag behind." Caleb said.

"I have decided to transfer to the University back home. I don't want to stay here in New York anymore.. " I said and was cut off by a voice not too far away from us.

"Like Hell you are leaving" he fumed, all three of us looked at Hunter who was seething in anger.

"You are not leaving" he said as he stepped towards me.

"Why are you here?" I said as I look around frantically. I don't want Langstone to see us, he must have his men around us.

"Alara!" He said as he clutched my wrist in his hand.

"Hunter.. leave me" I glared at him.

"No I gave you enough time and now I want you back. This is not a joke, you can't tell me that you love me and then leave me. You can't do this to me, I know something is wrong... please please tell me what is it and I will make everything right.. please" he said as he cupped my cheeks.

"Hands off of her" gritted Noah but Caleb was silently watching us.

"Tell me Alara what is it? Why are you acting like this?" He asked with such gentleness which melt my heart but then I had to remind myself of Langstone's warning.

"There is nothing wrong, I just don't want to anything with you. I choose my brothers over you, what is it you don't understand" I said and he looked hurt for a moment but then his face contorted into anger as he grabbed me hand and pull me with him.

"Where are you taking me? Hunter please what are you doing? Leave me...!" I said but he didn't listen to me. I looked back at my brothers, Noah was shouting at Hunter but Caleb was holding back Noah from coming towards us. I frowned at my older brother, why isn't he helping me?

"Sit" he gritted, I was about to refuse but when I see his eyes I shivered. I haven't seen him so angry especially not at me. He was fuming in anger.

"Don't test my patience right now, Alara!" He hissed. I silently sat behind him on his bike as he rode away.

He stopped infront of a park, I slid off the bike. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the empty side of the park where no one was around.

"Tell me Alara!" He asked with red fuming eyes, I cowered sway not in fear of him hurting me but on fear that what he will do if I told him about Langstone. He will surely kill him!

"Hunter! Please let's end this" I said looking away from his red eyes.

"Tell. Me!" He gritted out.

"What do you want me to tell you?" I said after composing myself.

"You know very well what I am talking about!" He said and I looked back at him.

"Is it Langstone?" He asked and I tensed. He was closely watching my reaction so I tried not to show my inner turmoil.

"I don't know what you are talking about.. it's just I can't stay away from my brothers. You know how unhappy I was without them, I don't want to spend my life like that. I can never be happy and neither would you so... it's better we separate. It's better for everyone!" I said and he smiled lightly.

"Okay!" He whispered out and placed his palm on my right cheek as he gently caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"Okay?" I asked confused at his reaction.

"You can go!" He said and gently placed a kiss on my forhead.

"I will not stop you!" He added and my heart almost stopped.

But then he leaned towards my ear and gently whispered.

"But don't think I am letting you go, I will come back to you once I am done with those who try to separate you from me. I promise they will pay!" My eyes filled with tears at his words.

"And then I will never let you go whether your brothers like it or not. I am yours as you are mine. No-one can snatch you from me, I will make sure of it." He whispered out.

"Just wait for me, I will come for you!" He said and then moved away and our eyes met. He gave me his best smile and then he kissed me for the first time and I froze, my legs felt like jelly.

"I love you!" He breathed out and stood there staring at him still feeling his touch.

"Let's go, your brother will have my head if I keep you here any more moment" he smirked and then pulled me towards his bike.

"Or maybe I will not let you go" he whispered almost too lightly that for a moment I thought I imagined it.

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