The Bearing of Bad News

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Ochako started to stir. Eventually, she opened her eyes, and thought. Hoped a niave thought. Begging for the previous day to be a figment of her own imagination. Hoping that it was nothing but a dream. That was all a dream, wasn't it?

After all, who can honestly say they've met the GRIM REAPER? When Izuku didn't respond, she opened her eyes and asked, Sleepy, Izuku?

Yeah... He finally said, after a moment. I nearly forgot what sleep was like...

She laughed to herself, and was surprised when Sebastian's voice responded to that. Eventually leaning over her. "Oh, you're awake! Good. C'mon, we've got work to do."

His presence was the splash of ice cold water she was afraid of. "So... it wasn't a dream, then..."
"Afraid so." He said. "I went to the library last night. I know where you need to go. I think."

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Izuku asked for her, the green eye glittering with a sense of excitement. Hopefully it was close? "Where?"
However, the distance was much, much further than they realized. It wasn't even in Japan, but in China. "Wuhan. Last major outbreak was there. You guys have a surprising lack of information from pre-quirk days. At least that's the era I was looking for. Took all night to find it."
The word choice alone wasn't looking great. After all, it made it sound like this was some sort of disease. "Outbreak? Who exactly are we looking for?"
He sighed, "Well... I have to explain this, I suppose." Standing back, he waited for her complete attention. "Viraleur is her name. She, normally, is bound by the shackles humanity made for her... So, Wuhan is where you need to go."
"Are you sure? Is this a joke?" She yawned, "If so, it's too early for that..."
He elaborated, turning and walking towards the window. He looked out of it. "Nope. Won't say more until we find her."

"And... we have to find her?"
He nodded, looking out at the horizon. He didn't want to answer any more of her questions about Viraleur. "Yeah. Question is, how do we get there?"

Ochako replied to that. "I... don't know. UA's promised to do anything I'd like since I'm at Death's door, but I don't want to test that yet... and I have to meet with my family and tell Hagakure the whole story."
"You think your friend will believe you?" He asked, turning back to her.

The brunette shrugged. "Yes. She already knows about Izuku. What else would be surprising?"
He feigned exasperation, but ultimately asked rhetorically. "I don't know... maybe finding out how the whole afterlife works? Which is a big taboo, for the most part?"

Izuku stopped, glancing back and asking, fearfully. "Is... is it?"
"Yeah. I almost got in trouble for it back when I was new to all of this." Sebastian explained, "But... UA sounds like your best shot. Where are they?"
"You're at UA. It's a school."
"Ah. I see." He looked out at the campus again, "Just like ACS for me... Alright. Do what you need to. I think it's best if I stay here... that way I'm not a distraction."

"If that's what you want to do." She responded, opening the door to find Hagakure waiting there. "Toru?"
"Good Morning! I just wanted to say hi to my bestie!" She hugged the brunette, causing a bit of flustering from Izuku, but she took that in stride. "So, sleep well?"
"Yes, actually." Ochako responded, then whispered, "better when he also sleeps."
"Right..." She said, "So, why were you taken out of math yesterday? Are you alright?"
"That's... she sighed, "Do you have time before class?"
"Yeah, class starts in 15 minutes. Why?"
"Come in, I don't want others to hear." She opened the door wider.

"Okay?" She entered slowly. "What's going on?"
"Well... Um... how do I say this?" She glanced quickly in Sebastian's direction, but he was gone. He left via the balcony, for what reason was anyone's guess. In her hesitation, Izuku shifted her head to the right, showing the left, green eye. "We're dying. It's my fault..."
"No it's not!" Ochako immediately said, whipping her head around the other way. "We can't change our circumstances. Stop blaming yourself!"

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