surprising everyone !

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thank u "Yoursweetpotato12" for this amazing idea ! i appreciate u sm !
3rd person pov
it had been about 3 months since amity and luz had surprised willow and gus with amity's pregnancy.
  amity and luz decided since amity is starting to show more and more everyday that we would start to give hints to the kids about amity's pregnancy. it would be hard since azura and andrew weren't very old yet, amity and luz were scared that they wouldn't understand but they went for it anyway.
  they decided to go ahead and buy a crib, a changing mat, and find a room for the baby to try and set more hints.
  the kids would be at grandmas all week so that they would be able to set up the surprise ! (they would also surprise grandma !)
- time skip -
it had been about a week and the kids were coming back today. amity and luz had put up a sign on the front door which said, "there is a surprise hiding in the house, come inside and find out what it is" they had to go through many different rooms and different tricks to get to the baby room. (ofc the baby would sleep with us when they first come home but it's good to have them a room!)
they both had made it to the final room which in the baby room. on the door it said "the surprise awaits u" camilla opened the door to which she immediately knew what all of it meant. she turned around and hugged amity and then after a minute she dragged luz in the hug.
they were all crying together when azura came up to them and said, "what does this mean ?" luz and amity looked at each other and then camilla. camilla laughed at us as she went down to azura's height level. "well hermosa, this all means that a baby is growing in mommies belly !" azura's eyes went wide, "that means i'm gonna have a baby brother or sister ?!" she said jumping up and down. "yes u are!" camilla said while laughing and hugging azura. andrew was confused still but walked up to amity and hugged her...
hi guys ! i tried to make this long so i worked on it during classes💀 i hope u guys enjoy it ! and again if u can please give me more ideas on what to do. thank u for reading i love u all very much! have a good day/night/or afternoon

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