Pt 1

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I made my way down the dark, gloomy halls of the insane asylum, looking for where my brother had gone off too. Warner and I are siblings but have different mums, however Warner's mum still treated me like her own daughter, knowing full well of what happened to my own mum. No one knows we are siblings due to the fact of one being my safety and two being the fact our father fucking hates me. Even though he might despise me, he still made me second in command of sector 45 due to my advance skill set. And the fact that Aaron demanded i work in the same sector as him. It was a pretty ballsy move to demand something from our father like that but I'm forever grateful for it as if he hadn't done so i would have been stuck working directly under our father with him most likely monitoring my every move.

Finally I began to hear the sound of my brothers voice and followed it only to see Kent looking as if he was about to punch my brother, Roland with his boot on someone's back, Weston standing to the side of an now empty foldable chair staring daggers at what appears to be a girl on the murky floor with my brother in front of her, grabbing her chin forcefully.

Ohhh for fuck sake Aaron.

Kent was the first to notice my presence and quickly tried to compose himself and hide any traces of pure hatred he had towards Warner at that moment. He gave me a slight nod to acknowledge my presence to which I responded my nodding back before my eyes landed back to my brother.

"Don't struggle, love. You'll only make things more difficult for yourself."

"I hope you rot in hell." I had to maintain my composure at this point and try to hide my amusement at how bold she was but a smirk appear upon my lips which at this point i didn't bother hiding. My brother on the other hand flexed his jaw and quickly held up a hand to stop Weston from putting a bullet through her skull.

"Your a fighter for the wrong team." He the proceeded to stand up straight, looking towards the door and finally seeing me standing there. "But we can change that. Kent," he calls. "Don't let her out of your sight. She's your charge now."

"Yes, sir." After Kent replied, Aaron proceeded to walk towards the door which signal me to start walking too as Weston followed swiftly behind us.


"So that was the famous Juliette, huh?" As we walked through the halls, on our way to the dinning room where Juliette will soon join us, i decided to ask as it was just the two of us in the hallway at the moment.

"Yes. She's still very stubborn and refuses to let me help her." This caused me to let out a stifled laugh, causing him to stop and look at me.

"Well maybe if you didn't threaten to tear off her limbs i would think it's safe to say should would probably less frightened of you." He looked at me for a few seconds before sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You heard that?"

"Oh i think the whole insane asylum heard you." I chuckled and began to walk again with Aaron catching up and matching my steps. As we turned the corner, voices of our staff and soldiers could be heard so all traces of humour left us as we put on our cold expressionless expressions too keep up with our usual emotionless facade. As we were about to walk into the dinning room, one of our men came rushing up to us.

"Sorry for the interruption but we need you to sign off on the documents that are going directly to the supreme leader, Ma'am." I looked over to Warner and then back at the soldier in front of me before finally answering.

"Where are the documents, Stevenson?" I asked the soldier who was too afraid to even hold eye contact with me. Good. I rather them fear me then wake up to them trying to kill me. The main thing that we had learn from our father being the supreme leader of North America is that you should rather have people fear you as they will be less willing to put a knife into you back then to suffer the consequences. Sometimes i wish we did not have to live like that but at the end of the day the choices are to either adapt or be killed.

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