Pt 11

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I was lying down on Aaron's bed as he paced back and forth coming up with a plan for our escape when the door swung open, causing Aaron to stop and scowl and myself to jump quickly up onto my feet. It was just a regular guard, who looked a bit annoyed by my presence here but didn't say anything about it.

"Castle has agreed that the two of you are no longer prisoners here. You are free to leave your rooms if you wish." The guard left the room, closing the door behind him. Both our eyes went wide as this basically meant getting out would be a lot easier. The room was silent for a few minutes until I broke it.

"Damn it... was kind of looking forward to breaking out of here Mission Impossible style." I let out a sigh as I let myself fall back down on the bed.

"You're an idiot." Aaron scoffed but I could hear the humour in his tone which meant he was also thinking the same thing. That breaking out of here is going to be a cakewalk. "Come on, now..." when he said this my head snapped to where he was and saw he was now stood by the door, indicating that we go out now. I let out a huff before getting back up once more and walking over as he opened the door.

As we walked it seemed as though Aaron had a specific purpose in mind as I just walked confused on which way we even came from. We were both rounding a corner and I was too busy looking back, still trying to figure out where the fuck we were when I suddenly collided with Aaron's back.

"What the fuck—" just as I was about to ask him why had he stopped, I got my answer.

"Juliette." Moving over to his side, I was finally able to see her and Adam standing there. Adam looking pissed and Juliette frozen in place.
The atmosphere was tense and awkward as we all looked at one another. I couldn't tell if I was uncomfortable or loving this fucking drama.

Fuck, where's some snacks when you need them.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" His voice was like acid as his gaze was burning holes into the both of us.

"Not the welcome I was expecting, but i'll take it." I stated, in an upbeat tone.

"It's good to see you again, Kent." Aaron had that condescending grin plastered onto his face which he usually used to piss me off. And oh how it's working like a fucking charm right now on Adam. "We should catch up, you know. Especially in light of this new discovery. I had no idea we had so much in common." I let out a sight chuckle whiles looking down and shaking my head.

"You sick pieces of shit." Adams voice was low as he slowly spoke.

"Aww Kent, you're breaking our hearts here. What have we done to ignite such hatred." I spoke in a sweet tone trying to fan the flames more.

"He had me tortured and you fucking shot me!"

"Oh shit...yeah. Forgot about that." I let out an awkward laugh which just made him more angry. "I mean, look on the bright side, I could have easily killed you but I didn't!... regretting that decision now." I mumbled that last bit but he still heard it.

"You two are fucking monsters."

"Such unfortunate language." I turned to look at Aaron as he shakes his head. "Only those who cannot express themselves intelligently would resort to such crude substitutions in vocabulary." Hey! What the fuck?! I wanted to say but I knew he was getting under Adam's skin so I decided to keep quiet. "You seem to be struggling to hold yourself together." Then something just snaps within him.

"I will kill you both—"Everything began to move in slow-motion. I was unfortunately standing closest to Adam as he charges over. Both Aaron and I could see where this was going, but Adam had already gotten his hand wrapped around my throat. Just as Aaron got close enough to go in to punch him, someone shoved Adam's hand off my throat and separated him and Aaron away from each other before pulling me back slightly by placing a hand around my waist. Just as I was about try and shove whoever was holding, they started to speak causing me to halt my movement.

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