Pt 12

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After a while of getting lost, finding and punching Aaron we made our way over to Juliette's room for us to have some much needed chat with her. I was the one to knock on the door as we waited for her to come answer it. We both heard her moving towards the door but as soon as it was opened she abruptly shut it once she saw us.

"Juliette?" Aaron spoke

"What are the two of you doing here?" We heard her whisper shout through the closed door causing me to try and cover up my amusement of the situation.

"We need to speak with you."

"Right now. You both need to speak with me right now."

"Yes. It's important, I heard Kent telling you that those twin girls would be in the medical wing tonight and I figured it would be a good time for us to speak privately."

"You heard my conversation with Adam?"

"I have zero interest in your conversation with Kent," Aaron's voice suddenly went flat, obliviously pissed off with the mention of Adam. "I left with L/n just as soon as we heard you'd be alone tonight."

"Oh, How did you two even get in here without the guards stopping you?"

"Hey, Juliette... it's me L/n. Could you please just open up the door so we can explain..." I asked. When she didn't respond Aaron chimed back in.

"Please, love, I'm not going to do anything to hurt you. You should know that by now."

"I'm giving you two five minutes. Then I have to sleep, okay? I'm exhausted."

"Ok, five minutes." A wide smile grew upon his face as Juliette opened the door and shook her head at the sight of him. We move past her into the dark room and both sat on her bed.

"So.... What is it?" She asks "You just left earlier, Warner, in the tunnel. Even though I asked you to wait." The silence was getting uncomfortable until Aaron broke it.

"Your bed is so much more comfortable than mine."

"I second that... shit, you even have a pillow. Actual blankets?" I chimed in

"You're living like a queen in these quarters. They treat you well."

"Warner. What's going on? Why are the two of you here?" She looks between the two of us.

"I actually don't know what he's going to ask either. I just tagged along." I added, causing Juliette to turn her full attention onto Aaron.

"I want you to come with us." My eyes went wide but I didn't say anything. I was in shock. I mean I'm all for her joining if she wants to but after everything it was abundantly clear except for my brother what her answer will be. "When we leave tomorrow, I want you to come with us. I never had a chance to finish talking to you earlier and I thought asking you in the morning would be bad timing all around."

"You want me to come with you? Both of you?" Juliette ask quizzically.

"I mean, I don't particularly mind."


"You want me to run away with you." She was back to talking to Aaron which I didn't mind as he stood up from the bed leaving me to be able to lie down fully.


"I can't believe it. You really have lost your mind." I let out a laugh as I could practically tell Aaron was also smiling too.

"Where's your face? I feel like I'm talking to a ghost."

"I'm right here."

"Where?" I heard a bit of shuffling, most likely Juliette standing up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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