Pt 7

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Two weeks have passed since the incident.

Aaron still had to wear the sling and was hating every minute of it, which has been very entertaining. We were currently at one of the compounds in our sector, scouting out to see if Juliette is in any of these places or had been. Aaron was right now walking beside me in some fancy black suit and tie with a open peacoat the colour of a mossy trunk. His coat itself had bright gold buttons, his hands were covered in black leather gloves and had on black shiny boots. He definitely stood out amongst our current surroundings like a sore thumb. I myself had a dark sage green shirt on with black trousers, leather gloves, combat boots and a long coat. At this moment in time i was silently cursing myself for forgetting my scarf as the brisk winter breeze felt like tiny needles piercing any exposed skin.

Aaron and i were walking around the compound with a few soldiers following in pursuit. Soon they started to dispersing to go and do the now usual routine we did in all the places we've looked so far. After a bit Aaron just stood still and began to survey our surroundings, looking as if he was deep in thought. Soon a few more minutes passed and it started to get weird with me just standing besides him so I decided to leave Aaron to whatever thoughts were running through his mind and go explore the compound for a quiet, peaceful place. Not long after I found a low fence and walked  through which led to a quite and peaceful area between the compounds. It was exactly what I was hoping for. No condescending soldier believing I don't belong having a high rank, or having a rank in general. No judging civilians looking at me like I am a monster who ruined their lives, even though they sort of right. However, we were working for monsters far worse than us. Aaron and I had to become monsters in order to survive. If we hadn't, we would have had to face the rathe from our father and the consequences would have been much worse.

Everything in our lives was so fucked up. We ourselves have been so fucked up. My hands went to my face as, pressing my palms roughly to my eyes trying to get my thoughts back on track but my mind went from becoming calm and peaceful to starting to making a list of all the shit that has happened in our lives:
1)witness mum and siblings be brutally murdered by father
2)beaten by my father throughout childhood
3)hated by all other children in our school for what our father was doing
4)witness the brother, who i had just met, get same punishment as me
5)slowly losing the woman who had become a second mum to me
6)only ever having one friend, just to realise that he was using m-

My thoughts were cut off by someone who had cleared their throat to get my attention. I moved my hands away from my eyes and saw Aaron standing there with ... a dog? It was a cute, small fluffy white dog. I was going to ask him were he found the dog but he swiftly made his way over to me.

"You ok?" His tone was softer than usual and it was kind of creeping me out and i think he could sense it so he continued. "You've been crying" The sudden realisation washed over me as I now noticed the palms of my hands slightly soaked with tears.

"Shit." My voice was a bit wobbly as i spoke. "I'm fine. I'm ok" i tried to chuckle to lighten the mood but Aaron obviously saw through it.

"If you want to talk, I'm always here." I let out a shaky sigh before deciding to speak.

"I just... tried to have a moment of peace... then... began to think about all the ways we have been fucked up. If you hadn't of interrupted my train of thought, I'm pretty sure the list would of just kept on going on and on" I swallowed slightly and the proceeded to move my hand to my face to move away the stray tear. Aaron walked even closer to me and then proceeded to hand me the dog. I looked at it for a few seconds before taking it and began to pat their head. Holding the little pup was actually kind of therapeutic as it felt like a fluffy cloud who began licking my hand which tickled and caused me to let of a small laugh.

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