Pt 5

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Everything became quite hectic after that.

Aaron was going around yelling orders at everyone and sent a bunch of our soldiers to go look for Juliette. I am still in shock/ sudden twist that Aaron can touch Juliette without getting the full affects of her powers.

I shake my head to clear my thought as I hurried down the corridor to get to back to my desk. Although Aaron has gone into full blown crisis mode with Juliette's escape, that meant I had to keep up with all the paperwork and ensure it all still goes out.

Once in my office I grabbed my glasses off my desk and put them on before setting myself straight into finishing off all the paperwork, which has now doubled with Aaron distracted. My mind soon drifted off to the events that had occurred only a few hours earlier. I still can't believe Aaron can touch her. That Juliette was brave enough to jump out a bloody window and put her trust in Kent to catch her. I mean it's pretty obvious at this point if she had that much trust and was wearing next to nothing it meant he could also touch her. On the subject of Kent I think I was most surprised that he had the balls to go against Warner which without a doubt will end with Kent strung up in some place, fucking brutally beaten by Aaron.

I continue working for a few more hours until all the paperwork had been gone through and signed off. I leaned back in my chair and moved my glasses up a bit so I could try and rub the exhaustion away before leaning forwards to moved my elbows to rest upon the desk with my hands on top of my head. I could feel the ache growing on the back of my head where the ponytail i tied this morning was still intact and the slight poking of the Bobby pins which were there to keep any loose strands from appearing but always after a long day seem to give up with there duty. I placed my glasses down onto the desk and let out a long sigh whiles closing my eyes. The pain in my hair was getting too irritating so i quickly reached for the two most annoying pins in my hair and took them out. I let out a breath of relief and began twirling them in my hands out of boredom. Finally, I realised something felt off.

Everything was quite. Too quite for my liking. I looked over to the clock on my desk which read 3:47am.

My brows scrunched together as confusion began to grow within me. Where is Kenji? Everyday for the last few weeks he has come here. No matter what, he would always be here around midnight and would stay to either talk or pass out onto my sofa. Confusion was soon beginning to turn into worry. I shouldn't be worried. For all I know he chose to sleep in his own bunk tonight. I really hate myself for worrying this much which could be for nothing. But the longer I sit at my desk, tapping my fingers against it, all all the different possibilities begun flooding through my head, so I finally broke and decided to look. I know I'm being an idiot but I just feel like I need to check.

Fuck, what's wrong with me.

I made my way out of my doors and began to walk down the corridor which still had a few soldiers here and there. I went towards the lift, walking in then pressing the the button to the floor where the soldiers designated bunks are.

The door finally opened and I quickly got out and made my way over to the soldiers sleeping quarters. As I was on my way I bumped into a soldier and was about to say a small apology but was cut off.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry Ma'ma. I wasn't looking where I was going, im so so so-" Without even seeing his face I knew instantly who it was.


"Don't worry about it." I was about to hurry off when I realised I could just ask him. He's both terrified enough to answer my question and also enough not to question my motives. "Hey Stevenson." I called out and he immediately stopped in his tracks as he was about to walk into the lift. "Would you happen to know where Kishimoto is?" In an instant, all the colour that was left on Stevensons face drained and left a terrified expression. My worry skyrocketed at the sight, now confirming my suspicions that something was wrong.

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