Pt 9

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As soon as I regained consciousness I refused to go back to sleep again as people kept entering the room I was in whenever they wanted to try and get me to talk. Each time I gave them the same answer: 'let me see Warner or piss off'. It was always the same people coming in and out of the room: the two soldiers guarding the door would come to give me my food, the twins who would come every now and then to check on concussions and finally the leader of this place, Castle, who would only come in to ask for information.

As i sat in this room, which in fact was basically a cell no matter what they said. I could feel my heart shatter over and over again as i could hear Aaron's screams coming from the room next door. His voice breaking through the walls as he demanded to see me and only wanting to talk to Juliette. He did eventually calm down once the guards told him Juliette was coming to see him. Their whole interaction was hard to hear, both because of how quietly they were talking but also how deep their conversation became so I decided to stop listening and move to the other side of the room. Once I knew she had gone I returned to my previous place and stayed sat against the wall furthest from the door with my legs stretched out in front of me, one over the other, and my arms crossed upon my lap.

I was deep in thought when the sound of the door caused me to come out of them to look up and see who was there. It was someone I didn't recognise from the usual daily routine. The girl walked over to where I was slumped and placed a neatly folded top and trousers next to me.

"Get dressed...." She began to walk out but turned to see that I didn't make an effort to grab the clothes so she continued "once you do, we will take you to see Warner." With that I immediately stood up and grabbed the clothes as the girl made her way out and closed the door behind her.

I changed into the light grey top and joggers before rushing over to the door which opened as soon as I knocked, revealing the woman from before. The two guards stood stationed on both sides of my door gave me harsh death stares as I walked by with the women over to my brother room next door. Whiles the woman went to unlock the door. Once the door was unlocked the women stood away and turned to face me.

"You both have a few minutes before we come back to collect the two of you." She sneered before walking off and joining the guards. I finally tuned around and pushed open the door to reveal Aaron, who had just stopped pacing around and now staring right at me for a few moments before I spoke .

"Hey, we're matching..." I tried lightening up the mood by pointing out that we were both wearing the same sort of outfit. Well his looked tight on him where as mine looked baggy. I looked around his room and couldn't see much in here which I'm guessing they took the stuff out because of him throwing everything everywhere. I finally looked back at him as his face displayed a whole lot of emotions. "Fuck, you look like absolute sh—" I was cut off by him rushing over and pulling me into a very tight embrace to which I returned once I got my hands free from my sides as he had engulfed them too. We stood there for a few minutes before I decided to break the silence. "Wow, you really missed me, didn't you?"

"Oh shut up..." I pulled away and gasped as I heard him say that and chuckled too in surprise. "What did you expect. After I woke up and saw them wheeling you away in a hospital bed. You had a concussion and a piece of glass impaled into your side."

"Ohhh... so that was the sharp pain I felt after the bloody explosion practically sent us flying. Must of landed on that tacky coffee table. I would say that's a win win..." Aaron looked at me for a second with a look that said 'seriously' before I continued "well I mean not the getting impaled part, but the destroying the tacky coffee table." Aaron smiled a bit and chuckled as shook his head at this. This however didn't last long as guards from earlier came in and restrained our arms behind our backs. Aaron looked as if he was going to tear the men who restrained me to pieces as I winced a bit from the tightness of them. Aaron was about to yell at them but Castle walked into the room, cutting him off from whatever threats he was about to say.

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