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I woke up the next morning and the first thing i noticed were the fingers that were brushing through my long hair.

So i opened my eyes and realized that Evan was sitting in my bed, leaning against the hedboard and watching tv quietly.

I looked up to him without moving my head and noticed how relaxed he looked. He was litterely doing that thing with my hair completely subconsciously and it was quite sweet actually.

He was still shirtless and now that he wasnt looking at me i could watch a little closer. But man he was huge. And I could tell that it was mostly muscle. Thats crazy...

But as soon as I moved my head a bit he instantly looked at me.

"Why are you still here?", I mumbled and carefully pushed his hand away.

"Because I'm worried. You've cried all night", he said.

"I'm fine. So why are you worried?", I snapped, suddenly feeling so vulnerable that he witnessed my mental breakdown last night.

I didnt even know why I snapped at him. I didnt want to. I just wanted him to stay but i couldnt help it...I think this situation just confused me and I didnt know how to act because nobody said something like that to me before. I wasnt used to someone worrying about me. Not at all.

"No youre not", he sighted. "Don't think I'm stupid. You fucking cried your heart out in my arms last night and have those fucking scars and--"

"Don't fucking mention my scars ever again. You shouldnt even know about that!", i said angrily and hid my arms under the covers again.

Come on, Camille. Be better. Be better. He just wants to help you.

I just didnt like feeling exposed to someone. I dont like showing emotions in front of others, except for anger maybe. But I dont want anyone commenting on my scars. I already have a hard time living with them myself.

"But I'm worried", he stated and his fingers landed in my hair again but i just shook him off.

"Okay", I snapped. "Then I'm not fine if you say so. But who cares? Exactly, no one cares! No one even gives a fuck about me!"

He didnt say anything. He just turned the tv off and looked at me. His left eye twitched again. Now he was angry...

"What?!", I hissed and looked up to him.

"I fucking just told you three seconds ago that I'm fucking worried", he said angrily. "Don't tell me no one cares about you!"


I didnt know what to say to this. He was right. I hated when I wasn right. It made me angry.

"Evan", I groaned upset and tried to stay calm.

"Talk to me, Cami", he whispered. "What's making you so upset?"

I wanted to tell him. I really did. But it's not that easy. How do I even know that I can trust him. I couldnt know, right? Other than that, everytime I have tried to open up about something in the past I always felt unimportant, i felt like nobody gave a single shit about what I was feeling. Well, that was probably because nobody gave a single shit about me. I never felt like i was important to someone or even enough. I have never ever felt like I was being enough. Never.

But I couldnt tell him that, right?

So here comes the defense mechanism again and here I was yelling at the person who just said he worries about me.

Great. Well done, Camille.

"I'm fine Evan! I just had a bad day! just leave me alone please", I yelled at him.

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