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"I really need to do more", I stated.

I was cooking soup. Evan sat at the kitchen block doing something for uni on his laptop. Noah was laying on the couch, quietly talking to his girlfriend on the phone.

"What do you mean?", Evan asked, visibly distracted by his work.

"I wanna go out more. Like going to the park with some people from uni like we used to last summer."

"Hmm", Evan mumbled, clearly not listening to me.

"You're not even listening", I grumbled.

"Yeah cause I'm stressed out. I have my finals in two weeks and I cant fuck them up."

"Lately you're never listening", I stated.

I knew it was unfair of me but he's just always studying and in a bad mood that i miss just joking around with him.

"Cami, I just told you I'm super stressed out right now. What do you want me to do?", he snapped annoyed.

"No it's fine. Never mind", I shrugged and turned to the stove again.


During dinner nobody was talking bit honestly it wasnt even awkward.

After we ate i just went into my room, put some loud music on and started to clean my room because i needed to do it anyways.

I ws singing along and soon my bad mood magically disappeared.


It was very late already when i left the bathroom and walked back into my room and crawled into my bed. I was so tired.

I checked my phone one last time before i fell asleep.

I definitely missed when my bedroom door opened and closed again and a big body layed down next to me in my bed and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.


The next morning I woke up and instantly noticed the heavy arm that was laying around my waist.

So when I opened my eyes i was directly staring into some beautiful green ones. Evan.

"What are you doing here?", I asked sleepily.


"Huh", I just said confused.

"I'm sorry 'cause of yesterday, Cami. I didnt mean to snap at you. Nothing of this is your fault. I'm just stressed because i really need to pass these last two exams because then i officially finished uni and i can start working", he explained.

"You won't be there next year?", I asked horrified.

"I won't. But that doesnr mean I'm gone. I'll just be woring somewhere here in Barcelona", he said with a soft smile.

"That's sad. I mean I'm so happy for you but--"

"But I'm not going anywhere, schnecke", he chuckled.

I just nodded and continued staring into his handsome face.

"What will you be doing next year?", I asked after a time.

"I'll probably work somewhere as an engineer", he shrugged. "At least that's what my plan was."

I smiled. "I'm so happy wor you."

He smiled back.

"It's just crazy how much older you are...I mean it's only five years but still...you'll soon have a real job", I mumbled.

"Yup", he chuckled. "But nothing will change between us. I can promise you that."

"I love you, Evan", I whispered.

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