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Back at the house we just ate dinner and went to bed quickly since it was so late already.

Celine didnt actually join us at the rink because she met up with her boyfriend instead because they wont see each other for a few days.

But i didnt wanna sleep now. All I could think about is Evan. His smile, his kindness, the way he looks at me, the way he talks to be, the way he hugs me...

I stepped out of bed and quietly walked to his door and knocked softly before I just walked in.

The room was totally dark already and i think he was laying in bed alread.

"Evan?", I whispered. "Can I come in."

"Sure", I heard him say.

"Where are you?", I asked.

"Here", he said so i went over to where his voice came from.

I got onto the bed and crawled over to him and it somehow happened that I ended up completely on too of him.

"Hey", I whispered. "I cant see you." I placed my hand on each side of his face and i felt his hot breath on my forehead.

"It's because you didnr turn on the lights when you walked in", he explained amused.

But next his hands landed on my hips and he started to brush his thumb over the exposed skin between my tank top and sleeping shorts.

"Evan", I then just said and snuck one arm around his neck so I could hug him too. "I know you dont wanna hear it. But thank you. Thank you for the whole day. It was amazing."

His hands slowly moved up my body, sneaking under my tank top. "Don't thank me, Cami", he whispered against my cheek before he gave me a peck on it.

"How do i deserve you?", I asked quietly, brushing my hand trough his soft hair.

"Stop", he whispered. "Don't say stuff like that. You're my best friend, you're important to me and you know that."

I nodded even though he couldnt see it. "I know."

He gave me another peck. This time on my chin. Then on my cheek. Next his lips brushed the corner of my mouth and it sent a shiver down my spine.

I blushed deeply and i felt my heart going faster and faster.

So to distract myself from his lips and hands i tried to change the topic.

"Did you live here too?", I asked.

"Not really", he sighted. "My grandparents bought the apartment while i did all these competitions. I didnt really have time for vacation or just visiting other cities. I wish I would've had more time..."

"But now you have some time for vacation", I tried.

"Yeah. I just always wish i wouldve handled some stuff differently..."

"I know, Evan. I can only imagine how that feels like... But if you would've went to uni earlier, we probably never wouldve met each other", I shrugged and continued brushing my fingertips over his scalp.

"Well, that wouldve been sad", he chuckled.

"Yup", I agreed. "Thats right."

It was quiet for a while.

"Cami?", Evan whispered. "Why did you come over to my room?"

"I uh just couldnt sleep", I stumbled. "Okay, well, I felt a little lonely. But if I'm annoying you or anything i can leave agin. No Problem", I quickly added.

"Noo you're not bothering me. I'm totally fine with you being here", he said softly.

"Well then...are you tired yet?"

"Uh no."

"You wanna play truth or dare?", I suggested. "Well, more like truth or thruth."

Evan chuckled. "Sure, why not?"

That was when I rolled off him and layed down right next to him and stared into the dark.

"You wanna start?", Evan asked.

I nodded even though he couldnt see me.

"Okay...How many girlfriends did you have?", I blurted out. This question has been bugging me for months now.

"Oh you're diving right into it, huh?", he chuckled.

"Answer me, Evan."

"Three", he said. "One in highschool which didnt last over a year. The other one I met at the ice skate facility. We've dated for almost two years until pictures have been released of her and her skating partner kissing in the parking lot. The last one was four years ago. I've met her here in Barcelona."

Wow he was honest...

I just nodded again even though he couldnt see.

"Have you ever been in love?", Evan asked suddenly.

I took a deep breath. Why was he asking me this?

"I was. It was in high-school. It was a boy named Joshua and I think I really was in love with him. He hung out a few times after school wothout my parents knowing...at that time i really thought he liked me too because he was so nice... Anyways, it turned out he and his friends had a bet which was to hang out with the quiet kid...", I sighted. "Yeah that broke my heart, my depression became worse and I started to cut myself again...."

That was when Evan grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze before he started to draw little circles with his thumb over my wrist.

"When was the last time you cried? And why?"

I heard him letting out a long breath.

"You remember when i called you that night when I came home from Madrid and you were at Bruna's?", he started and i nodded. "I felt so bad that night because i realized how much I hurt you then and all the times before...I'm still so sorry, Cami", he whispered.

"It's okay, Evan", I said softly and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry", he whispered again.

"I forgave you, Evan. Its okay. And i mean i wasnt nice either...", I mumbled.

"Lets not play this game anymore", Evan said quietly. "It's killing the mood."

"Okay", I chuckled.

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