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I was sitting in this stifling room, listening to my professor talk for two hours now. I was sitting in the last row so he wouldnt notice if I was on my phone.

I noticed that I had recieved a few text messages and there was one missed phone call, all by none other than my friend, Evan.

Evan: My seminar did not take place so I went home.

Evan: When does your class end? I'll be there then.

Evan: We'll drive over to the spanish class together.

Evan: Cami, when should I be there?

Evan: Cami???

•Missed call from Evan•

Evan: I know you hate that one professor and dont even listen. So just tell me when does it end?

Oh, boy. That was what I had to deal with everyday. Evan was te most impatient person I knew. But somehow it was cute. He was just always bored and situations like that, when he suddenly had too much time where he had nothing to do, irritated the shit out of him. So I had to smile.

Me: It'll end at 3pm.

Me: Don't be so impatient, I know you miss me ;)

Of course he was instantly typing something back.

Evan: I'm not impatient. You're just annoying.

Evan: I'll be there at 3.

I smiled, staring at the screen.


"Finally", Evan said when he saw me and playfully rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I'm not late or anything", I chuckled and nudged him in the side. "By the way, what do you expect when you call me mid class? That we can have a deep talk while my professor is talking?", I mocked.

"Girl, I just spent three hours at home doing nothing. I was bored, okay?", he argued and suddenly layed an arm around my shoulder, so non-chalantly.

Sometimes he was still acting like a little kid. I mean he was five years older than me and sometimes I feel like I am the older one.

I turned my head and looked up to him. He was already looking down at me, smiling slightly. I just watched his features. The green eyes, the brown thick eyebrows, the little scar right above his right jawline, the plump pink lips, the long lashes. I liked the freckles on his forehead.

I wondered what he was thinking about right now, was he analyzing my face the same way I did? Was he looking at my light blue eyes and my dark blonde hair the same way I did at his? Like he would never get a chance to see it again? Or was he looking at the dark circles under my eyes and the reddish skin I had from staying out in the sun for too long?

I suddenly felt so insecure that I hadnt put some conceiler on this morning. I mean I run around the apartment without makeup on 24/7. But still...

But then I suddenly felt a hand tucking a strand of hair behind my ear which got me snapping back to reality again. "Whatever you're thinking about, stop worrying", he snickered and dropped his arm.

I just nodded and followed him to the metro station.

He was so tall and muscular. He really had a nice butt. More than nice. It was a freaking peice of art. And we're not going to talk about his thighs. And of course not about his broad soulders and these muscular strong arms that gave the best hugs in this universe.

I'd asked him one time what he does to have a body like this. He'd just snickered and told me that half were genetics since his family on his father's side were all athlets and he did figure skating since he was three years old. But apperently he had quit all that about a year ago. I'd wondered what happened but I didnt want to ask. Maybe it was too private...

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