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The next few days were great. So so great.

Evan was littereally the sweetest and we had so much fun together. The only arguments we had were about where we should put the tent or what food we should buy. Otherwise it was just so nice.

Today was our last day and the last night we'll spend in the nature.

Every night we've went to sleep together and kissed goodnight. Not much, only a little. But afterwards Evan had always let me sleep in his arms.

But it almost became like a routine and i cant deny that i like it very much.

While we were hiking Evan and I were mostly talking and it never got bored but there were also time periods were we just walked next to each other without talking at all.

It all felt so natural with him.

"What are you thinking about?", Evan asked after we finally finished putting our tent at the perfect spot.

I shrugged. "About everything."

"That means?" He looked at me a bit confused. He looked so damn good. Black shorts, grey tank top... I loved his broad shoulders and muscular arms. They gave the best hugs in this universe.

"It means I'm happy. It means that you make me very happy, Evan. Thanks", I said quietly and looked up to him.

He was standing right in front of me, just looking down at my face.

"You happy?", he smiled and I nodded.

"Are you happy?", I asked and placed my palms on his chest.

"Yeah I am", he smiled and bent down to press a kiss on my forehead.


A few hours later we finally crawled into our tent and layed down. I snuggled against Evan and just hugged his arm.

"I cant believe your birthday is next week", I said quietly. "You're gonna be twenty-seven. That's crazy..."

"Yup", he just sighted.

"Are you excited?", I asked and looked at his face. He was just staring at the ceiling. I just took in his handsome face. I loved his eyes and these long eyelashes. I loved his beard that grew a little thick over last few days, I still like it more when its just a light stubble.

"Yeah. But i still dont know wearher i should celebrate it or nor."

"Why dont you just invite some people over to our place and we can throw a little party. That would be fun", I shrugged.

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I mean why not? Our livingroom plus kitchen is quite big and on the balcony they can also sit and smoke or whatever."

"I'll think about it", he shrugged.

"Just invite the people we spent thid one evening in the park that was fun. I can help you with organizing", I offered.

"Thanks", he said softly.

Now it was quiet again. And all i could think about was how much I loved this man. Like seriously. I'm in love with Evan.

"Evan", I whispered and put a hand on his cheek to turn his head in my direction.


I wanted to tell him so bad. But i couldnt... what if he didnt love me back?

"What are you thinking about?", I just asked instead.

"What I'm thinking about?", he asked softly.


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