2. Monday Sickness

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I never knew two day hangovers were a thing until now. And what makes the symptoms worse is when your body feels like it's been thrown against the wall repeatedly. But of course, I digress in leaving out the absolute carnal pleasure that followed from being shoved not thrown against the wall a couple of times.

Flashes of heavy breathing, searing lips and sensual sounds play out in my mind and the vivid memory of strong hands, sensually pulling, gripping and possessing every inch of my body makes me shiver mid-step. I curse internally after shaking my head to clear the erotic images and sounds that have taken over my thoughts and now the throbbing pulse behind my eyes intensifies to an excruciating level.

Praying the aspirin I inhaled this morning kicks in soon, I lift my dark sunglasses off my face and rub my eyes, careful not to smudge my makeup.

After doing the walk of shame at four thirty in the morning, I spent most of yesterday curled up in bed or on the bathroom floor— having my own personal exorcism, and expelling a frat party-like alcohol bender from my system. I made up for my pristine college experience all in one night.

I force my stiff, tight limbs to cooperate and keep walking, but cold fear sets in when I come to a set of stairs I have to climb to reach the elevator. Clenching my teeth in preparation for the stinging pain that will undoubtedly flare when I lift my foot on the first step I grasp the rail to mitigate my unbalanced movements.

This is what happens when you feed into an animalistic insatiable thirst with a hot stranger you swore you wouldn't go home with. But then again, the whole night was full of a lot of firsts.

I wipe beads of sweat from my forehead after the strenuous workout of climbing six stairs to get to the parking structure's elevator, but I'm ultimately grateful I chose low heels today. Breathing in relief and placing my warm head on the exposed concrete, I swallow the urge to vomit and hit the button for the elevator to open.

What a great way to start your first day in your new position, Vanessa.

The extra obnoxious loud ping signaling the elevator's arrival comes too quickly and I push away from the wall to step in and press the button to the Emerald Properties, corporate office floor—the property management company I work for.

I was ecstatic last week when I learned of the team meeting with Jacqueline, the COO, before going to the new property, but now under the circumstances I'd much rather not be in a meeting, recovering from this alcohol induced sex-over I'm suffering from.

Digging through my new black-brown zip-top tote—a gift to myself after my promotion—I pull my blaring phone to see Jenny's name flashing on the screen. She's probably already here knowing her, bright-eyed, bushy tailed, and all smiles.

"I'm here, in the elevator so I'll probably lose signal soon--"


Hissing, I pull the phone away from my ear as she continues rambling in an inhuman high pitch tone. After a moment there's a break in the nonsensical babbling.

"Jenny! Please lower your voice to a human level," I grumble.

"Lower my voice?! Nessa, I've left you voicemails, text, emails! The last I heard from you was the video you sent, dancing in a sketchy looking bar with some guy–who was super cute by the way–but he wasn't Cody! Cody hasn't returned Jason's calls either. Jason said if we didn't hear from either of you by eight this morning, then we would file missing person's reports."

"You two really need to stop watching Dateline."

"That's not funny, Vanessa. I really thought something bad happened to you." The shakiness in her voice is hard to ignore.

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