25. You win

404 33 5

Song for the chapter: Everybody's Fool~ Evanescence


This is not how I expected this meeting to go.

Simmering anger heats my skin, making it feel like my suit is suffocating me. I struggle to control my breathing. Forcing myself to take a deep breath, I exhale, staring down the CEO of Emerald Properties, Savannah Thompson and well-known New York banking investor, Trent Davis.

The request to meet with them came as a surprise to me yesterday afternoon. I heard through the rumor mill that a new lease-up will be underway for Emerald in a couple of months across town; I assumed they wanted me to head it on. But I was wrong.

So wrong. And now I regret not telling Vanessa about this damn meeting, thinking I was going to surprise her with good news.

"Let me see if I understand this correctly." I rub my hand over my mouth, for the sake of needing to do something with my hands.

"You're demoting the manager at 501 Landing and offering me $50,000 just to complete the lease up?"

Savannah's haughty laugh does little to settle my growing rage. "Demoting is such an ugly word...it's more like relocating." She flashes me a wide smile.

"Relocating where?"

"I'm sorry, but why does that concern you?" Trent questions, the displeasure in his voice evident at my non-immediate willingness to jump on board.

I wrestle with whether informing them about mine and Vanessa's relationship is the right thing to do here. Set the record straight, since they already think she's conducting herself improperly. But ultimately, I decide against it. It's none of their business and I do not want them to use anything else against her.

"Merely curious. I'm not in the business of replacing managers, rather working alongside them." I lean back, trying to give myself more space since I'd love nothing more than to punch the arrogant look off his face.

"The current assistant at 501 Landing has performed remarkably well and is very familiar with the tenants and process so we would promote her so that you can focus on the leasing aspect." Savannah informs me. I wonder if Jenny is the spy, but immediately squash the thought remembering the loyalty she displayed for Vanessa, on more than one account.

I focus on what this will do to Vanessa. While it's true I have personal interests at stake, the underhanded approach they are taking isn't sitting well with me.

I nod, clicking my tongue. "I'm flattered by the consideration. But I have to admit, I misjudged this meeting for what it is and I respectfully decline the offer."

"You're not serious?" Trent unclasps his hands, leaning forward, his face growing a dark shade of red. He glances at Savannah, whose well-practiced smile falters when she realizes I'm not playing some joke.

"Gabriel, we are willing to negotiate the contract amount, if that's the issue." Savannah straightens in her chair, pursing her red-colored lips; preparing to play hard ball.

"Money is not the issue. I've done lease ups for less, if I'm being honest." I adjust my cuffs, not willing to entertain any amount of money would be worth the betrayal Vanessa would feel if I agree to this.

"Come now, Tate, everyone has a price. However, if money is not the issue...what's keeping you from agreeing to work for us?" Trent prods and then he scoffs. "You worked with some of the sleaziest people in the industry, yet you don't want to even consider working for Emerald—we're known for our reputability. What does that say about you?"

The Lease UpOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz