8. Good Intentions Gone Wrong

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That kiss kept me up all night.

I drag my hands over my tired eyes and check the time on my computer. It's half past noon; my stomach grumbles on cue. My eyes drift to the window and focus on Vanessa's office. The blinds are closed. Usually, she's opened them by this time, and I would have caught a dim view of her moving around.

Making up my mind, I stand, buttoning my suit jacket.

"I'm going out for lunch." I step out of the building without waiting for Evan or Cynthia to respond. The sun is intense today, but a breeze offsets the heat. I nod at Preston, my driver, and tell him I'll return shortly. Flexing my hands and taking deep breaths, I try to calm my sudden nerves. Why am I nervous? But I know the reason.

I need to see Vanessa. We need to clear up whatever it is between us. Setting my jaw, I grip the door handle to her building and step inside. The welcoming atmosphere feels familiar and home-like walking toward the leasing office.

Lily stands, but I notice Vanessa's office door closed. Did she see me walk over and shut her door purposely?

"Mr. Tate, what brings you here today?" Lily greets me with a bright smile.

"You can call me Gabriel, Lily. And...I wanted to see Vanessa. Is she on a call?

Jenny walks in, brushing past me with a stack of papers. "She's out sick today."


"I think the accidental dip in the pond yesterday is to blame." Lily offers, taking a seat at her desk.

Well, that changes my plans. I clear my throat, my eyes bouncing between the two ladies, but settle on Jenny. "I know you don't know me, but I'd like to drop in and check on her. Would you be willing to give me her address, please?"

Jenny snorts. "No. She'd kill me."

My chest expands, and my shoulders rise with my breathing, and I roll my head on my shoulders. "No, she won't. We both know she'll unleash most of her anger on me."

"Mr. Tate, speaking as a completely neutral observer, I don't know any woman who would like an unannounced drop-by visit from a man she considers good-looking when she's not at her best," Lily states, signing her name on a few papers with a flourish.

I perk up. "She likes me?"

Jenny scoffs. "That's not what Lily said. But, your name may have come up during idle times. She mentioned you're attractive and conceited and—"

"I get the picture." Lips pursing, I stuff my hands in my pockets. "Look, I just want to check in on her, that's all."

Jenny leans her hip against the desk and tilts her head to the side. A contemplative expression takes over her features. "Fine, but don't stress her out. You'll save me the trip after work; she wanted me to bring her bills to input from home." She grabs the keys on her desk and unlocks Vanessa's office. A few minutes later, she steps out, handing me a big envelope.

"Good luck with Sergio. He doesn't like strangers. Especially men." Jenny smiles as she sits down, and begins typing on her keyboard.

"Sergio? Is he a roommate? Brother?"



Shifting the items in my hands, I press the doorbell on Vanessa's door, straightening my jacket while I wait. There's shuffling on the other side of the door, and I hear her cursing before she cracks the door open. Stripped of makeup, the skin around her eyes is pink. She's wrapped in a long cotton cream-colored robe, wiping her red-tipped nose with a Kleenex. But I'm mesmerized by the state of her hair. It's not in its usual straight or loose wave texture; it's curly.

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