27. Apologies and Meddling Old Men

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Song for the chapter: Forgive Me ~ Evanescence


"Gramps, you knew about this trip and had time to come to terms with it. You can handle a week with Isaac." I tell him, exasperated as I finish packing my bag. Still feeling on edge and moody after the shitty day it's been.

"Hollywood, I don't think you realize what you're asking. We've never been alone in the same house with no other family around. There's a reason for that, and it's because orange don't look good on me," he says.

Chuckling, I swing my bag over my shoulder. "Then I guess I'll be camera ready when I do my interview on the true crime documentary that will air the unfortunate events that happen this next week."

He laughs, "Smartass." A long sigh follows and he clears his throat. "Listen, Gabriel, about Vanessa—"

"Please, don't, Gramps." He knows what went down.

Initially, I called him to share the news of my setting a permanent base here for my consulting business license after my second meeting finished and then he asked when he would see Vanessa again.

After a few minutes of arguing for me to try to see things from her point of view, and how easy it would be to misunderstand, I put an end to it. I can't keep doing this.

"Alright, alright. Don't get your panties in a bunch, hotshot," he grumbles. "You leavin' soon, then?"

"Yes, I'm headed to the airport now." I walk towards the elevator. "I might lose you here soon, getting into the elevator."

"Well, be safe. Don't do anything stupid and call me when you get there."

"Yes, Gramps." I can't help the smile breaking on my face. For as long as I can remember, every time I go away somewhere, it's the same goodbye. Be safe, don't do anything stupid and call me when you get there. "You know, I should probably tell you not to do anything stupid too."

"Pfft, I'm too old to worry about doing anything stupid," he tells me. "Love you, kid."

"I love you, too, Gramps."

I send a quick message to my cousin Jaycee to make sure she checks in on him and Isaac throughout the week. The doors to the elevator slide open on the main floor and I step forward and then stop when I come face to face with a disheveled Vanessa, who's breathing heavily.

Her hair is a wild matted mess piled on top of her head, her makeup is smudged around her red-rimmed eyes and lips.

"Gabriel," she breathes out my name. "I-I thought I was too late, that you left already. I left you messages."

"I know." I state, without any emotion.

Fighting against the urge to close the distance and find out what happened to her to have her looking the way she is, I step out and to the side of her to walk towards the doors. She follows behind me.

"Gabriel, please. I need to talk to you." She rushes her words out, still panting as we walk outside.

Handing my bag to Preston, he places it in the trunk and then opens my door before rounding the car to get in the driver seat; not wanting to be a part of whatever is happening.

Vanessa's hands tremble as she runs them over some of the curls falling out of the messy bun. My heart thumps against my ribs being so close to her and not letting myself give in to the need to touch her. My mouth is dry as a fucking desert. Her eyes shift quickly between mine and she takes a tentative step forward.

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