24. Really, Really Take Two

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Song for chapter: Crazy For You ~ Adele


The long day is winding down when I finally return to the office after spending most of the afternoon doing outreach marketing. I decided to expand our usual target area, hoping it will benefit us in the long run.

My phone chimes as I walk in through the main doors. It's Jaqueline confirming our meeting tomorrow morning.

I look up from my phone, noticing Lily and Jenny are not at their desks but Jake is talking with a couple of women.

He looks up at me and gives me a confident grin. "Hey, what's up, boss?"

Clearing my throat, I remind myself to not overreact before I find out what is going on. I slip my phone into my purse and smile at the ladies. They could be friends I suppose, but as I approach, the open brochures on the desk catch my attention.

"Just finished doing some outreach," I reply, searching for my key and unlock my office. I listen in as he converses with the girls, immediately bristling at his overly friendly, borderline flirty attitude.

"You've been such a great help, Jake," one of the girls says. "We had a problem with our last apartment. Granted it was older, but it's better to ask upfront than be surprised..."

"Shoot." Jake encourages her.

"Can you guarantee your units won't have issues like mold or... bugs?" The second girl asks with a giggle. "I know it's the city and bugs are basically like the longest living citizens here, but still, it doesn't mean they're not nasty. We had a pipe that was cracked within the walls of one of our bathrooms which led to a really bad black mold issue."

"Yeah, I had to be hospitalized and after that, we realized living in the apartment was making me sick." Adds the first girl.

"Ladies, I assure you our units do not have any of those issues. This property is one of the newest gems in the city. Brand spanking new. In fact, I'll put it in writing—"

I rush out of my office. "I'm sorry you've had those bad experiences, ladies. Unfortunately, it's against our policies to put anything in writing outside of the lease agreement." I slightly glare at Jake, before focusing on the girls again. "Also, there are certain things that are out of our control. Typically, with concerns with bugs, that is something that is brought in more often than not. A lot of times, first time renters will find a great deal on used furniture at a garage sale such as on a mattress, sofa or maybe they come across something on the curb somewhere and bring it to their unit unaware it could be infested with bugs and realize it too late."

"That's disgusting." One of them comments as both their faces and noses crinkle with revulsion.

"We don't shop second hand." The other says, giving me the once over.

I plaster a smile. "Of course not, I was simply using an example of what I've seen happen. What I can assure you on is, if you were to encounter an issue with a leak or even a bug issue we would take it very seriously and do everything to eradicate the problem or make the necessary repairs to restore the unit."

The girls ask a few more questions and ultimately decide our apartment community is not a fit for them when I reiterate that we are pet free. They gave Jake a pointed look, stating it would have been nice to know that upfront rather than waste their time for nothing.

As they walk out, Lily returns with a couple, finishing her tour with them in the lobby, while Jenny comes back with another small group. I call Jake back into my office to talk to him privately.

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