Hero License Exam pt. 1

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Dabi walked through the crowded roads, scowling as he made his way back through the city he promised himself he would never come back to.

Of course, it had to be Tokyo...

The city was still busy and still crowded, although it didn't look as large now that he was older.


Dabi took his phone out of his pocket, answering it with a sarcastic note, "Sorry, I don't have any money to donate to the homeless."

"Very funny Dabi, now are you in Tokyo yet?"

Dabi rolled his eyes, "Yeah I'm in the city, Aizawa. I'd rather be anywhere else if I'm being honest."

As if to prove his point the city seemed to get even louder, everyone talking about the hero exam that would take tomorrow.

Fucking hate this city...

From the scoff he got on the phone, it seemed Aizawa agreed, "Yeah can't say I'm a fan of how crowded that city is. You know how to get to the testing site?"

Dabi rolled his eyes, "How could I not? They're holding it right next to Tokyo Tower."

I'd have to be blind to miss that.

Aizawa hummed on the other end, "All right then, make sure you don't miss it. They're starting at 4 am tomorrow, so be there."

Dabi huffed as he got to the hotel he was staying in for the night, "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Dabi didn't need to see Aizawa know he was shaking his head on the other side of the line, Aizawa's voice littered with exhaustion as he spoke, "Just don't miss it... text me when you get the results."

Dabi opened the door to his hotel, his voice light with sarcasm, "Will do. By the way, do you want me to get you a souvenir from Tokyo? They got a nice looking box over here that you could-"


Dabi snickered as Aizawa hung up, pocketing his phone as he walked to the receptionist.

How rude...

He got his room key and quickly made his way to his room, settling down as he decided that he was not leaving until he had to take the exam tomorrow.

This city fucking sucks... can't wait for this shit to be over so I can leave.

He was going to ace the shitty exam and leave immediately after it was over. He was not planning on staying a single second longer here than he had to.

I should probably get everything ready for tomorrow then.

He opened up his suitcase, looking at the hero costume he'd come up with after a few hours of brainstorming with Shoto.

It turned out pretty well...

It was a modified version of his black trench coat, made of a highly flame-resistant material with a small cooling system underneath. It had neon blue detailing running along the edges that matched his quirk. The same detailing lined the cuffs of his pants, shoes, and belt that held a few supplies.

Not bad... I'll have to ask them to make Shoto's too.

Aizawa was the one that hooked him up with the designer for it. He would eventually send them Shoto's design for when he got into UA.

They should do a good job with his costume since they handled this one so well... unless he goes for that popsicle one he showed me.

Dabi shivered at the memory, the terrible first draft that Shoto showed him still haunting his dreams.

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