Time capsule

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To our sixteen year' old selves , we're writing a comment because we lost the password of the account, this comment is a time capsule.So here's a quick recap of what happened in the past 8 years

R- so I eventually escaped the city that suffocated me , lived alone , almost found happiness ,then war came, suddenly the city that suffocated me turned out to be my only refuge.

S- 8 years later I totally forgot that he existed , turned out he was not even worth 3 chapters, I don't need to escape to dreamland anymore. I accept my reality now I'm more mature 😂

N- 16 year-old me you were so delusional!!! Thinking that finding a job is pointless well guess what ? Your goal in life now is to find a Job! Don't say things without thinking anymore.

Curently sitting at the same spot at 11 p.m (28-2-2023) rethinking our life choices and realizing that we were living in dilusion , life is much much much more different than what we have thought. 

R- is going back to war in 2 days for her graduation exam from medical school.

S- is thinking about waking up in at 7 a.m to go back to the lab for her PhD

N- is a jobless 4-month bioengineer , getting ready to take the GRE.

J- left the chat 6 years ago.See you in 8 years !!

Note from the authors:

Our english is much better now 🤓


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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