6. The reality of a Malfoy

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1994 September 1, Hogwarts
As the leaves turn golden and the air grows crisp, the students of Hogwarts eagerly anticipate the beginning of a new chapter. The castle's enchanted walls beckon, and the promise of magic and adventure is palpable.

At the stroke of midnight on September 1st, the Hogwarts Express chugs into Platform 9 ¾, a dazzling spectacle of crimson and gold against the night sky. The station teems with excitement as families and friends say their goodbyes, and students embark on a journey of wonder and discovery. As the train rumbles through the countryside, the students peer out the window, marvelling at the rolling hills and misty valleys. Some read books or play games, while others stare dreamily at the scenery, lost in thought and wonder.

As they approach the village of Hogsmeade, the students catch their first glimpse of the castle, towering majestically atop the hill. The train pulls into the station, and they disembark, the air buzzing with the promise of a new adventure.

The enchanted carriages glide silently through the dark forest, and as they approach the castle, the doors swing open, revealing the Great Hall in all its splendour. The students gasp at the sight before them, the floating candles casting an ethereal light upon the room.

The Sorting Hat sits atop a stool, a wise and ancient presence, and the Headmaster's voice fills the room, welcoming the students back and introducing the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, the famed Auror Alastor Moody.

As the Sorting Hat sings its song, the first-year students nervously await their fate, knowing that their house will become their family for the years ahead. The older students cheer and applaud as the Sorting Hat proclaims each student's destiny, and the feast begins. Platters of steaming food and glasses of frothy pumpkin juice fill the tables, and the students raise their goblets in a toast to the start of a new year. The Great Hall resounds with laughter and chatter, the air alive, yet again.

But there was a sense of unease among the teachers, as they noticed the absence of Isobel, her empty seat at the teacher's table like a stark reminder, and whispers circulated throughout the hall as to where she could be. Even Minerva and Professor Snape appeared concerned, exchanging glances, wondering if they should investigate.

Only Albus Dumbledore, sat at the head of the table, his twinkling blue eyes scanning the room. He alone seemed unperturbed by Isobel's absence, and a small smile played at the corners of his lips, even so, when Minerva asked him if he knew where Isobel was.

But, Albus merely glanced down at the majestic phoenix perched right before his eyes, before answering "No."

The bird, however, seemed to understand the question, its feathers rustling in response.


The phoenix, - well, Isobel -, perched regally throughout the ceremony, a silent observer of the throngs below. Her fiery gaze remained fixed upon the students, but every now and then, she turned her head to Dumbledore, as if to impart some clandestine message to him. The headmaster, attuned to her every signal, nodded sagely in response, their understanding a bond forged in the crucible of time.

To the uninitiated, their interaction might have seemed nothing out of the ordinary, just another instance of man and bird coexisting in harmony. But oh, if only they knew the truth behind this magnificent duo, the secrets they shared, the mysteries they unravelled!

As the feast came to an end, the students filed out of the Great Hall, chatting excitedly amongst themselves about their new classmates and the upcoming year. The teachers began to disperse as well, some heading back to their classrooms to prepare for the next day's lessons, while others lingered to socialise and catch up with one another.

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