8. Slow, long demise

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1994 October 31, Hogwarts
Isobel spent her forenoon in the Forbidden Forest, indulging in the art of solitude, breathing in the fresh air, hoping to get some respite before the Goblet of Fire breathed out the names of the students who got to participate. Through the years, it had become her habit, her sacred haven, to be there on Saturdays, more often, as a phoenix, roaming through the woods, occasionally stopping, perching in one of the branches of an invincible tree.

The Forest itself was a place of enchantment and danger, where ancient trees stood guard and secrets whispered in the wind. Stepping into its depths was like entering a cathedral of nature, where the rustling leaves and falling twigs created a natural symphony.

As she wandered through the forest, a sense of awe and wonder took hold, for the trees pulsed with life and seemed to hold the secrets of the universe within them. The air was thick with the scents of wildflowers, damp earth, and decaying leaves, creating an ethereal atmosphere that was both eerie and enchanting. But amidst this beauty, dangers lurked in the shadows. Giant spiders and dark wizards roamed these woods, using the forest's secrets for their gain. The faint hustle of animals could often be heard, adding to the sense of being surrounded by a vibrant ecosystem. The patter of hooves or the fluttering of wings could be heard in the distance, tempting adventurers deeper into the unknown.

And then there were the whispers, voices that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. They may have been the wind playing tricks, or perhaps the forest's magic at work, but their presence added to the enigmatic and mysterious atmosphere of the Forest. It was a place that demanded respect and humility, a place where one had to tread carefully and with reverence for the natural world that surrounded them.

But even if it was sometimes terrifying, the forest was her fortress, it eased her mind. Disciplined it.

As she took a stroll through the lush greenery, suddenly, a velvety voice startled her from behind, almost as if it had emerged from thin air. Her heart beating rapidly in her chest, to see a mysterious figure shrouded in the shadows of the forbidden forest. His features were obscured, but she could feel his piercing gaze upon her.

"Venturing out for a stroll, I see?" the voice asked, sending shivers down her spine.

"Are you following me?" she questioned, her voice quivering slightly.

The figure remained silent for a moment as if contemplating his response. Then, he stepped forward, revealing himself to her. But in truth, he was not pursuing her. Rather, he had merely caught sight of her figure and mistook her for one of the curious students who often dared to trespass in these hallowed woods. His gaze softened as he realized his mistake, cursing himself lightly.

"I wouldn't dare," he responded, his voice low and smooth, like velvet caressing her ears.

She couldn't help but smile at his audacity. It was as if he knew her every thought and desire, tempting her to give in to the allure of his charm.

But her smile quickly faded as she remembered their history. The memory of their past encounters left a bitter taste in her mouth, and she couldn't help but wonder why he was approaching her now.

"And even so," she paused, her tone guarded. "Since when are we on speaking terms, again?"

She knew all too well the hurt he had caused her in the past, and she wasn't ready to let her guard down just yet. But as he looked into her eyes, she saw something different. There was a hint of remorse and longing in his gaze, a silent plea for forgiveness.

Silence hung heavy between them, a palpable weight that suffocated the air. He had no words to say, no apologies left to offer. His anger had consumed him once again, and he had let it destroy the one thing that mattered most to him. For almost two months, he watched her from a distance, regret gnawing at his insides. She seemed so far away, yet so close, as if a single step could bridge the chasm between them. But he dared not take that step, for fear of what might happen. Ever since that day, when the term started, he had been unable to speak to her. He avoided her like the plague, his actions cautious and guarded, as if she had committed some great crime. But the truth was, he was the one at fault. He had let his pride get the better of him, unable to admit his mistakes and apologise.

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