Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

I spent the night in the wilderness, wrapped in both of my woolen blankets. When the sun peaked over the mountains the next morning, I quickly packed my things again and got on my way once again. I hoped to reach the camp that afternoon, if I had been traveling in the right direction. And I really hoped I had.

I had to detour around the huge lake that once I could have just walked right across. But it, like the rest of the country, had melted. I crossed the river that flowed out of it at the southern end of the lake. Imade my way through the Shuddering Wood, so named I learned because of the many tree spirits that lived there, whispering and sighing and rustling to one another. The trees seemed to move, and form a path due East free of roots and undergrowth. I called out my thanks to the trees and made good time through the wood, eventually emerging at the bottom of the Great Waterfall. Its roaring pounded in my eardrums and the mist it created made me shiver. Although I didn't know it at the time, I was crossing just south of the Witch's camp.  

I trudged through fields of wildflowers and rolling moor-like hills in the plains between the loop of the Great River.  I finally reached and crossed the Fords of Beruna, and knew I had to be nearly there, judging by Bauchan's map.

When the sun was directly behind me and hanging low in the sky, I began hiking up a steep grassy hill dotted here and there with patches of granite bare of grass. Nearing the top, I stopped. I listened closely, and in the distance I could hear the clanking of metal and the sound of voices. I crouched down and crawled the rest of the way to the top and then lay down on my stomach to peek across crest of the hilltop.

I didn't have to worry. Below me the most beautiful sight greeted my eyes. Brightly colored striped tents dotted the rolling landscape  like wildflowers, colored scarlet and gold, silver and green, blue and dusky pink, and their golden flags fluttered in the breeze. The bright spring sunshine glinted off of the armor and weapons of the Narnians as they bustled about the camp. My heart gave a hopeful leap and I stood and brushed myself off.

I made my way down the hill as quickly as I could, sliding a bit on the slick grass. When I reached the flatter land of the rocky valley, I began making my way through the sprawling camp, turning my head to look at everything so often that my neck began to ache. I tried to stay out of the way of the busy warriors and looked for where I was supposed to go. Finally I spotted a friendly looking Animal and walk over to it.

"Umm, excuse me, Dog, but do you mind me asking where I am supposed to go? I would like to help fight." The Dog turned to me and wagged its tail. It looked like some kind of hound, with long floppy ears and a brown speckled coat.

"Yes, if you'll follow me I'll show you the way. Just right over here, these are the newcomers' tents. You can find one to put your things in, and then I'll take you to Moonwise. She's a centaur in charge of the...female units." The Dog trotted on ahead, happily spouting out facts about the camp, and I had to jog to keep up with him.

He led me to the first female centaur I had ever seen. She looked just as fierce and noble as the males,  with a strong jaw and long, coarse black hair and a coat to match. The Dog explained my situation to her, and then trotted off. I was left alone with the centaur.

"Greetings," she said in a grave voice. "I am glad and quite heartened to see such a brave girl such as yourself come to help us conquer the Witch and take back what is rightfully ours." I nodded slightly, unsure of what to say. She smiled and went on. "You will begin your training for battle tomorrow. Report to me at dawn."

With that she turned and trotted off and left me with a pounding heart. Training began the next morning.  A small smile spread across my face.

~By the Lion's Mane~ >A Narnian Fanfiction<Where stories live. Discover now