Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

I was awake at dawn. We had decided that it would be best for us to march right through town that very morning, and take everyone by surprise before there was time to summon their own army. We would try to negotiate, but if no compromise could be reached, we would attack.

A small channel separated the islands of Doorn and Felimath. We marched across the island while boats sailed around the coast to the channel. Then we sailed across, right into the town's harbor.

I was fully armored, my hair tied up into a bun under my helmet. I was mounted on Anduril of course, holding a pike in one hand with my sword in its scabbard. A flag bearer rode behind me, the crimson and gold banner of Narnia rippling in the breeze behind me. We marched right up the main street toward the citadel, which was located at the top of the hill. At the sight of the silent soldiers, the city of Narrowhaven quickly grew quiet. Everyone went into their homes and closed the doors and shutters, peeking out of second story windows.

We reached the gates of the governor's house. It was a small stone castle-like building surrounded by a high wall. A few sentries guarded the walls and the gates.

They trained their arrows on us, and I called out, "We wish to speak with the Lord Ralon immediately. Please let us pass quietly."

A moment's silence passed, and then a voice answered, "The Governor Ralon is not speaking to anyone without an appointment. Take your army and leave."

Sighing to myself, I called back, "We will do no such thing! If you refuse to open the gates, then we will force our way through."

There was no answer. I nodded to the soldier next to me, and he and several others went forward, weapons raised. They pointed their spears at the chests of the sentries.

"I will ask one more time; please let us in, in the name of High King Peter!" I waited, counting to thirty in my head. When I reached twenty-six, the gates slowly creaked open. I nodded and Anduril raced through, followed by fifteen soldiers, the hooves of our mounts clattering on the stones paving the courtyard.

I knocked past several guards at other doors, and rode my unicorn right into the Hall. There, at the end of the room, the tyrant who had seized power sat leisurely on the throne. Two beautiful girls were serving him his breakfast, their eyes downcast.

When we entered with a clatter of hooves and armor, he sat up quickly and waved the girls away. The guards next to him moved forward with their pikes raised.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my manor?" he asked irritably.

He was a proud looking man with features like a hawk. He had black eyes and black hair and beard, and didn't look like someone who smiled very much, except at the sight of someone suffering. I hated him immediately.

"We are the Narnian army, sent by Peter the High King to settle the disputes in the Lone Islands. I assume you must be the Lord Ralon?" I said icily as I pulled my helmet off and shook my hair loose. I saw the surprise in his face when he saw I was a woman.

He sneered, "Peter sent a woman to do his job? How very..." he let his sentence trail off suggestively.

I stared at him coldly, not amused. "We have come to arrest you. You are responsible for the assassination of the Governor of the Lone Islands, who was appointed by the Crown, therefore making you guilty of treason. If you do not come willingly, we will fight. I have an entire army outside the gates of the hold at this moment, ready for the signal to attack." I paused for a moment to let this sink in. "So... what will it be?"

He gave a short, humorless laugh. "Come willingly? I think not. I am the Governor now, and I have an army too, my dear, which I'm sure vastly outnumbers yours." He checked to see my reaction to this news, and I knew he was bluffing. "I'm afraid we will have to kill you. But King Peter surely won't mind. After all, if he truly cared what happened in Narrowhaven, he would have sent someone more... capable."

He snapped his fingers, and twenty more guards flooded into the room. Andy snorted and lowered his horn, pawing at the floor.

I narrowed my eyes. "Very well. It will be a fight. I am disappointed though, I was really hoping I wouldn't have to get my hands dirty today."

I raised my sword, nodded to the faun behind me, who then raised a horn to his lips. He blew into it, filling the hall with its rich vibrations, and I turned back to Ralon, who now had a sword in his hands.

The soldiers raced forward at us, and we charged forward at them. Anduril surged forward, knocking men out of the way. Several thrust the weapons at me, but I was out of reach. More Lone Islanders poured into the hall, and I heard the rumble of the Narnian army behind me. I guessed we would have to squeeze everyone into the Hall. I pushed through the throngs of fighters, trying to find Ralon. I saw him dart out of the room. Coward, I thought to myself. I squeezed Anduril's sides, and he saw where to go. He knocked down soldiers, trampling several as we made our way through the doorway.

We galloped down more hallways, but then came to a set of stairs. I jumped off of Andy since he couldn't do stairs too well, and went on foot. I raced through several adjoining rooms, through another hall, and up another flight of stairs before I saw Ralon dart into a darkened room. I followed him.

But when I went into the room, I couldn't see or hear him. I stepped in farther. Mistake.

I gasped as the heavy wooden door slammed shut behind me and I heard a heavy bolt being drawn. Everything was dark, so dark I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. I was completely still, listening for any sound. Silence.

But then there was a whistling in the air, and I moved just in time for an axe to fall where my head had just been. I jumped back, knocking into a wall. My ears strained for another sound, a warning. I heard the slightest sound of breathing, in front of me to my right. I felt against the wall, finding a chunk of loose mortar and broke it off. I tossed it across the room. It clunked into something, and I heard Ralon move.

I crept along the wall, and then moved forward. I heard his boot knock a small stone across the floor, just a few feet in front of me. I raised my sword, ready. But then with a grunt, he swung the axe at me. I blocked it with quite an effort, and then slid my blade along the stick. He roared and lifted it again, to bring it down on my skull. I jumped to the right as he swung, and before he could lift the heavy weapon again, I thrust forward, and hit my target. I felt my sword sink into his body, and he gave another pained grunt. Then came a thud as his body hit the floor.

I backed up against the wall again, my heart pounding and my breath ragged. I waited for several minutes, but no sound of movement came, and I was assured he was dead. I moved along the wall, feeling for the door. When I felt the heavy bolt, I dragged it back and shoved open the door. Light from the hall poured in, along with the sounds of the battle downstairs.

I saw Ralon's body crumpled on the floor. Scarlet blood poured from a deep wound in his side, just under his ribs. I looked at my sword and saw from the blood how far I had pushed it in. I felt the bile rising in my throat, but swallowed.

I was startled from my reverie by a faun calling from the stairs, "Lady Rose, where are you?"

"In here!" I answered.

Several fauns and a centaur appeared at the door. "What...?"

They saw Ralon's body on the floor.

"The battle's over. We've won."

~By the Lion's Mane~ >A Narnian Fanfiction<Where stories live. Discover now