Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Susan and Lucy began training with me the next day. They had met Father Christmas on the way to camp, and he had given them beautiful gifts, and I have to say that I secretly envied them. Susan had received the most beautiful bow and quiver I had ever seen, and it almost always hit true to her target. She also received a magic horn, and whenever you blew it, help would come to its caller. To Lucy, he had given a crystal cordial of a healing elixir that I had never seen the likes of and a small dagger with a jeweled hilt. They told me that he had given their brother a sword and shield of the best quality.

We practiced our archery skills together, and I helped to train them. We had a lot of fun, and at times it didn't even seem like we were preparing for a battle. We rode around the camp, me mounted on Andy, Susan on a pretty bay mare, and Lucy on a little grey pony, and raced each other or tried to be the ones to jump over the highest obstacles. They grew to be skilled riders as well.

I met their brother soon after their arrival. Moonwise the centaur had assigned me to practice sword fighting with him, as I had grown more than competent at wielding a weapon, and he had never held one before.

I met him on the training grounds at dawn, just like my very first day. He was still wiping the sleep from his eyes and yawned every few minutes. I giggled at his bleary face before bowing and addressing him, "Your Majesty."

 "Are you the one"-yawn-" who is going to teach me?" he asked with an amused smile.

I rose and nodded. "Yes, sir, I'm Rose."

He laughed. "A girl is going to teach me how to handle a sword?"

 I frowned. I hoped that he wouldn't turn out to be that type. The type that automatically assumes that men are always better than women at everything and that a woman's place is at home. I wasn't going to warm up to him quickly if he was, although I didn't really have a choice, as he was my future king.

"Yes, and not to be rude, Your Highness, but what is wrong with being taught by a girl? Are you afraid to be beaten?" I asked with a mocking smile.

He stopped laughing and looked at me. "Sorry. That was rather rude of me. My sisters would have said the same thing." Smiling again, he extended his hand. "I'm Peter Pevensie. Pleased to meet you, Rose."

I raised one eyebrow as I took his hand and shook it. His hand felt smooth and soft, while mine were rough and calloused from work and training. It made me blush.

Turning away I unsheathed my sword and said, "All right then. Um, let's just begin with the basics."

For the next two hours I taught him how to handle his sword and the very basics of fencing. At the end of our session he was sweating and tired.

"Phew. My arms really ache now. Don't yours?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Nope. Not at all. But don't worry, soon you'll get used to it and build up the muscles you use the most for fighting. See?" I showed him my arm. He frowned and turned away, grumbling a bit. I gave another crooked grin. I guess he didn't like being shown up by a girl. Not many did.

The next day we did the same routines. Peter improved a lot over the first hour. "Why don't we take a break now, since you're doing better?"

He nodded and flopped onto the grass, and I did the same. "So, are you from Narnia?" he asked conversationally.

I shook my head. "No, I'm from your world, I think. England. How about you?" I asked.

"I'm from Finchley. But we had to evacuate the city because of all the bombings. My brother and sisters and I got here by walking through a wardrobe. Hard to believe, isn't it?" He said wonderingly, as if he still didn't totally believe it himself.

~By the Lion's Mane~ >A Narnian Fanfiction<Where stories live. Discover now