Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

We continued to wait after hearing the groaning tones of the enemy's horn. Several more minutes passed until I spotted a dark figure appear on the small, distant hill. I recognized it as the Minotaur who was acting as general for the enemy.

He raised his great bull head and let out a bellow as he held his gigantic axe aloft above his horns. A great cheer reached my ears as he did so, and down in the front of our lines, I heard the Animals snarling and growling and snorting in eagerness to fight.

Their lines began moving towards us at a walk, parting around the hill where the Minotaur stood. Then two white spots appeared next to him, and I saw that they were polar bears pulling the Witch's chariot. And there she stood, with the golden hair of Aslan's mane made into a robe that she now wore. I gritted my teeth, feeling the hatred and anger at her boil up within me. Fear was gone now, replaced with these new emotions. She had taken Bauchan and now she had killed Aslan. I gripped my spear tightly, ready to plunge it through the heart of the enemy.

A dark line spread out on either side of the chariot. Ghoulish figures of Minotaurs, wolves, hags, witches, and many others that I had no name for. I turned around and squinted at the cliffs behind us, spotting Edmund standing next to Moonwise on the rim. Next to me, Peter did the same. He drew a shaky breath, and then raised his sword. It flashed in the strong sunlight, and he pointed it forward.

A bugle sounded, and all along our lines, our warriors raised their own weapons and gave a great cheer. At this, the enemy roared again, and began spilling down from their hill, spreading like a dark stain across the plain.

The griffon beat its wings and rose off the ground. I turned and looked at the cliffs. Suddenly, the sky began to darken with the sight of hundreds of griffons soaring above us, each clutching a huge stone in their talons. They flew at the enemy, each sounding a high, wailing scream and the Witch's army charged. Then the boulders dropped from their grips, plummeting toward the ground. They smashed into the enemy, taking out many of them. Plumes of dirt rose into the air, and I was reminded suddenly of the Blitz back in London.

For a moment the enemy faltered, not expecting an aerial attack, but they quickly retaliated, letting their arrows fly toward the sky. My stomach churned as several of the griffons were hit, plummeting to the ground. Several naked, bat-like things flew up into the air to meet the griffons, and latched onto them. They were locked into an airborne battle as they too fell to the ground. The remaining griffons wheeled in the air and soared back in our direction, being forced to retreat.

I could see Peter wincing, and then he looked at me and Oreius. "Are you with me?" he asked the Centaur and me.

"To the death," we answered together. I managed a small smile.

Peter turned to face forward again. His unicorn rose into a rear, pawing the air with his silvery hooves. I leaned forward and spoke to Andy softly. "Ready for this? Take care of me, okay? But if I tell you to leave me behind and save yourself, you have to do it." I patted his neck softly as he snorted, trying to calm my nerves.

Peter raised his sword again and shouted, "For Narnia and for Aslan!" And there was a collective cheer behind us. And then we charged.

I leaned forward over Andy's neck as we thundered down the hill and across the plain to meet the enemy. I was deafened by the pounding of hooves; horse, centaur, and faun. Several Cheetahs and Leopards and other large predators pushed out in front of us. The army behind me lowered their spears, the small banners on the end shining red and gold in the sunlight. I raised my left hand and knocked my visor down over my face. And then both armies collided.

~By the Lion's Mane~ >A Narnian Fanfiction<Where stories live. Discover now