Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Upon reaching camp again, we slowed to a walk, both me and Anduril panting from the mad dash through the forest. I leaned forward and patted his silky white neck.

"You did well, Andy, just like always." He shook his mane proudly and gave a little prance.

We reached Aslan's tent and I slid off of his back, and Edmund did the same. But while I landed on my feet, his legs gave out under him and he crumpled to the ground. I reached out a hand to help him back to his feet. He was still speechless and breathless from the rescue and wild ride back, so he just gave everything a bewildered look.

I gave him a lopsided smile and said, "Aslan probably wants to speak with you. Then you can see your brother and sisters again." I was turning away when I remembered to introduce myself. "I'm Rose, by the way. Nice to meet you, Edmund." I said, shaking his limp hand. He just nodded and then I turned to go when I saw Aslan emerge from the tent.

I walked back with Anduril, talking to him quietly as we went. "That was so-- exhilarating!" I exclaimed, the adrenaline still pumping through my body. "And did you see the look on his face when we showed up?"

I went on, and Andy bumped me occasionally with his soft nose, or would bob his head up and down in agreement. After I had rubbed him down and made sure he was comfortable, I started walking back to my tent. I glanced up the hill and saw Aslan sitting with Edmund. The dark haired boy had his hands in the pockets of his English-style trousers, staring at his feet and nodding. His shoulders were slightly bent, as if he were bracing himself for something. Aslan was speaking to him, a kind expression on his face. I wondered what he was saying to Edmund.

Probably a lot, I thought to myself.


That night, long after Lucy and Susan had fallen asleep, I lay awake, staring up at the top of the tent. I thought about the day's events, and what lay in store for us tomorrow. But mostly, I thought about Edmund Pevensie. He, like his brother, was quite good to look at, but not in the same way. While Peter had fair hair close to the color of my own and eyes the color of a summer sky, Edmund was the opposite. He had dark brown, nearly black hair that fell into his eyes. Peter's was straight while his was wavy. Peter had blue eyes, and Edmund's were the color of chocolate, or coffee. And then there was the whole issue with him betraying all of Narnia. I sighed and rolled over onto my side. Time to get some sleep...


I was up again at sunrise, but yawning a good deal more than usual.

"What's the matter, Rose? Early mornings finally catching up to you?" Peter teased when I arrived a few minutes late to our morning training session.

He had grown accustomed to rising early and had rapidly transformed from rather awkward at handling a weapon to a rather skilled swordsman in just a few weeks. I grumbled back to him in response, drew my sword, and adopted an offensive stance.

After the usual grueling two hours, we had collapsed on the ground.

"Well, Peter, I think you've mastered everything I can teach you. Guess you can start practicing with the other men, instead of a girl," I teased as I lay on my back, gazing up at the puffy white clouds in the sky.

Peter laughed. "Aw, you know I don't feel that way anymore. I was just in a bad mood that first day." He gave me a lopsided grin.

I grinned back and said,"Yes, I know. I was just teasing. But it would be better for you if you had some practice with bigger, stronger opponents." I stood, brushing stray bits of grass off. "Well, I'm off to the stables. See you around."

~By the Lion's Mane~ >A Narnian Fanfiction<Where stories live. Discover now