Revenge Plans

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After his meeting with Tori, Harry returned to Gryffindor Tower. He spotted Neville, Fred, George and Lee sitting in front of the fireplace. They looked up to see Harry.

"Harry, we've been looking for you!" said Neville.

"Yeah, we just found out..." said Fred (or was it George). "That Ickle Ronnykins..." said George (or Fred).

"Ickle Ginnykins and..." said Fred (or George).

"Granger have been planning..." said George (or Fred). "To keep you isolated from..." said Fred (or George). "Everybody else so that..." said George (or Fred). "They can get your money..." said Fred (or George).

"And your heirlooms, and your family's books for Granger!" the twins finished their twin talk.

"Not to mention Ginevra is planning on giving you Amortentia every chance she gets." said Lee, getting more and more outraged.

"I already found out a few days ago," said Harry. "But thanks for the heads-up anyway." "Anytime, Harry." said Fred and George.

"I ran into Fred, George and Lee a while ago," said Neville. "We were all walking past a classroom, and overheard them talking to Dumbledore about those plans, and it seemed like they were going over it a second time, maybe more than that."

"It's hard to believe Granger would be part of this," said Harry bitterly. "I never knew that I had another vault!"

"Well, you should've been told," said Lee. "The House of Potter is one of the most ancient and most noble houses." "Now I know what Granger meant," said Harry. "They had to have known, while I've been kept in the dark."

"Well, you ought to go to Gringotts the first chance you get, for your inheritance," said Neville. "The four of us even tried to help you get out of the tournament by finding some loophole!"

"But as it turns out..." said Fred (or George).

"Since you have to compete..." said George (or Fred). "That will make you..." said Fred (or George). "Become emancipated..." said George (or Fred). "Which means you'll become..." said Fred (or George). "An adult legally!" the twins concluded.

They stopped when they heard some talking from the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. They were relieved that it was the Gryffindor Quidditch chasers, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell.

"Hello, Harry!" greeted the chasers. "Hello, girls!" said Harry.

"So what's going on?" asked Angelina.

"Well, it turns out Ronald, Ginevra and Granger have been betraying me behind my back," said Harry. "I overheard them, and Dumbledore discussing plans to keep me isolated, and ignorant about my family being one of the most ancient and most noble house, as well as my inheritance."

"I can't believe that," said Alicia. "While we still believe you either way, Harry, now we also know who's really been dishonouring the house and name of Gryffindor."

"The worst part," Harry continued. "Ginevra is planning to give me Amortentia, which I just found out a little while ago, is the most powerful love potion."

"We'll need to keep an annoyingly close watch on those three, annoyingly for them at least," said Katie. "We don't need idiots like them around!"

"But do try to keep this discreet," Harry advised. "So I can starting showing a bit of my Slytherin side." "Your Slytherin side?" asked Angelina.

"Yeah," said Harry. "What most people don't know was that I was difficult to be placed, and the sorting hat considered putting me in Slytherin. The only reason I didn't want to be put in Slytherin was because of Malfoy."

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