The reading of the Potter's Will

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The next day after breakfast, Harry and Tori began heading outside to find a safe place to call for Dobby and/or Winky. It was a weekend where students could visit Hogsmeade Village, allowing Harry and Tori to use the opportunity to go to Gringotts. Tori had even written a letter for her father to meet them at the Leaky Cauldron (but she wanted Harry and herself to be there first before getting it sent). Ron, Hermione and Ginny tried to follow Harry and Tori in an attempt to persuade Harry into abandoning Tori in favour of Ginny. It took Harry and Tori at least ten minutes to throw the double- crossers off their trail. Meanwhile, Dumbledore was still in his office waiting for Ron, Hermione and Ginny to bring Harry to his office. The headmaster didn't go to the Great Hall for breakfast because his skin was still changing colour every half a minute. Harry and Tori were just outside of Hogsmeade Village when the backstabbers were finally quite a distance away.

"Dobby! Winky!" Harry called.

"Did Harry Potter call?" asked the house elves, once they appeared with a pop. "Yes," said Harry. "Would you escort Tori and myself to the Leaky Cauldron?" "Yes, Dobby will be happy to do that." said Dobby.

"And Winky is more thans willing to do so as well." said Winky.

As soon as Harry grabbed a hold of Dobby's hand (and Tori grabbing a hold of Winky's hand), the house elves apparated the two students to the front entrance of the Leaky Cauldron. Harry and Tori knew that the passing muggles didn't acknowledge the ordeal (since they were within the wards surrounding the pub). Harry opened to the door for Tori and she walked in first with Winky going in second. Then Harry and Dobby walked inside once the ladies went first. Harry pulled a chair out for Tori (who sat down in it).

"You didn't have to do that, Harry," said Tori. "I could've done it myself." "But I did it anyway," said Harry. "I was just trying to be a gentleman." "Well, thank you, Harry!" said Tori gratefully.

"You're welcome, Tori!" said Harry.

"Winky," said Tori as she turned toward the female house elf, pulling the letter for her father out of her jacket pocket and handing it to Winky. "Would you give this to my daddy? I'm not sure if he's still at home, so check the Ministry of Magic first. If he hasn't made it there yet, then he's more than likely still home at Greengrass Manor."

"Yes Tori, Winky will makes sure he get the letter." assured Winky.

So she disappeared with the snap of her fingers while Harry, Tori and Dobby waited at the table they were sitting at. For some reason, Harry found himself unable to look at Tori. He felt that if he looked at her that he might start blushing (any time he tried, he'd quickly look away). It was more than just her blonde hair and bright-green eyes that Harry liked about Tori, it was also her bubbly personality and the sound of her giggle. Tori could tell what was going on with Harry and she giggled (which the sound of caused some flip-flops in Harry's stomach, the good kind that is). A minute or so later, the door to The Leaky Cauldron opened and in walked Tori's father, Ethan (with Winky in tow).

"Hi daddy!" Tori greeted as she got up and gave her father a hug.

"Hi Tori," Ethan greeted his daughter, hugging her back. Then he turned his attention to Harry. "How are you doing, Harry?"

"Doing good sir." Said Harry shaking hands with Ethan. "But it'll be better to get this thing at Gringotts taken care of."

"You should've been told of your inheritance long ago," said Ethan. "I don't understand why you weren't."

"My intuition told me that it's because of four of my least favourite people," said Harry. "Wanting to keep me as ignorant as possible. As much as I hope I'm wrong, somewhere in the back of my mind is telling me that I'm right."

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