Rita Skeeter

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The next day, Harry was told by Professor McGonagall that the champions had to report to a small classroom after breakfast. Harry was relieved that it was Sunday, since he didn't have to worry about schoolwork getting in the way too much. Once breakfast was over, Harry started walking to the classroom where the champions were to report to. Aside from Professor Dumbledore, he saw another wizard he recognized, Mr. Ollivander, the wand maker who Harry bought his wand from a few years ago. Madame Maxime and Igor Karkaroff arrived with their respective champions a couple minutes after Harry. Ludo Bagman, Minister Fudge and Barty Crouch were also there, since they were judges for the tournament. There were a few people Harry didn't recognize, with one of them being a woman with red reading glasses and two wizards who seemed to be photographers. Mr. Ollivander approached Harry to inspect his wand.

"It's nice to see you again, Mr. Potter." he said.

"Good to see you again, too, Mr. Ollivander." said Harry as he handed his wand to the wand maker.

"Eleven inches, holly wood and phoenix tail feather core," said Mr. Ollivander as he swished Harry's wand around a little. "Your wand is still in good condition, Mr. Potter."

"Thank you, Mr. Ollivander." said Harry as the wand maker gave the wand back to Harry. "Any time, Mr. Potter," said Mr. Ollivander. "Good luck at the first task."

"Again, thank you." said Harry.

Then Mr. Ollivander went to inspect the other wands that belonged to the other champions. Once that was taken care of, the champions were called to pose for a group photo, and then individual photos. Then the woman with red reading glasses approached the champions.

"Hello," she said. "I'm Rita Skeeter, I write for the Daily Prophet. I think an interview would do wonders. Let's start with the youngest."

She grabbed a hold of Harry's hand and dragged him over to a cupboard. Harry immediately knew that Rita only wanted to interview him because of his Boy-Who-Lived fame, much to his irritation. Once the champions were done with their respective interviews, they were reminded that the first task would be on the 24th, which would test the champions' courage. Not long after leaving the unused classroom, Harry ran into his arch nemesis, Draco Malfoy.

"Alright, Potter," Draco demanded. "Where is Astoria?" "Dunno," said Harry. "Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you." "You know that she's my girl..." said Draco.

"Oh," said Harry, interrupting the Slytherin. "So you decided that you want your name changed to a girls' name after all?" "NOOOO!" yelled Draco.

As Harry spotted Ginny with Ron and Hermione, he grabbed Draco by the back of his shirt and dragged him over to the three backstabbing Gryffindors, shocking the arrogant Slytherin.

"Here, Draco," said Harry as he patted his back. "You and Ginevra have a date this afternoon. Good luck to the both of you!"

"Draco's got a date with Ginevra Weasley?!" blurted a random student.

There were alot of 'oohs' and 'ahhs' once the other students got wind of Draco's apparent date with Ginny. Then she and Draco started blushing, which shocked Ron and Hermione. Ginny attempted to kiss Harry on the lips in an attempt to convince the others that she loved Harry, but Harry ducked before she could, resulting in Ginny almost losing her balance. All of the other students remained convinced that Ginny loved Draco all this time.

"Harry, I love you, you know I do." Ginny claimed desperately. "Uh huh, sure," said Harry, rolling his eyes. "Like I'll believe that."

"Hey Draco, did you pick out a ring for Ginevra yet?" asked another random student. "Hey Ginevra, when will you and Draco marry?" asked another student.

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